Add a bookmark
POST api/2.0/community/bookmark
Adds a bookmark with the title, description and tags specified in the request.
Add a bookmark comment by bookmark ID
POST api/2.0/community/bookmark/{id}/comment
Adds a comment to the bookmark with the ID specified in the request. The parent bookmark ID can be also specified if needed.
Add a bookmark comment by entity ID
POST api/2.0/community/bookmark/comment
Adds a comment to the entity with the ID specified in the request. The parent bookmark ID can be also specified if needed.
Get a bookmark
GET api/2.0/community/bookmark/{id}
Returns the detailed information on the bookmark with the ID specified in the request.
Get a comment preview
POST api/2.0/community/bookmark/comment/preview
Returns a comment preview with the content specified in the request.
Get bookmark comments
GET api/2.0/community/bookmark/{id}/comment
Returns a list of all the comments on the bookmark with the ID specified in the request.
Get bookmarks
GET api/2.0/community/bookmark
Returns a list of all the portal bookmarks with the bookmark titles, dates of creation and update, bookmark texts, and authors.
Get bookmarks by tag
GET api/2.0/community/bookmark/bytag
Returns a list of all the bookmarks marked by the tag specified in the request with the bookmark titles, dates of creation and update, bookmark texts, and authors.
Get my bookmarks
GET api/2.0/community/bookmark/@self
Returns a list of all the bookmarks for the current user with the bookmark titles, dates of creation and update, bookmark texts, and author.
Get my favorite bookmarks
GET api/2.0/community/bookmark/@favs
Returns a list of favorite bookmarks for the current user with the bookmark titles, dates of creation and update, bookmark texts, and authors.
Get recent bookmarks
GET api/2.0/community/bookmark/top/recent
Returns a list of recently added bookmarks with the bookmark titles, dates of creation and update, bookmark texts, and authors.
Get tags
GET api/2.0/community/bookmark/tag
Returns a list of all the bookmark tags with a number specifying the tag usage.
Get top of the day bookmarks
GET api/2.0/community/bookmark/top/day
Returns a list of the most popular bookmarks for the current date with the bookmark titles, dates of creation and update, bookmark texts, and authors.
Get top of the month bookmarks
GET api/2.0/community/bookmark/top/month
Returns a list of the most popular bookmarks for the current month with the bookmark titles, dates of creation and update, bookmark texts, and authors.
Get top of the week bookmarks
GET api/2.0/community/bookmark/top/week
Returns a list of the most popular bookmarks for the current week with the bookmark titles, dates of creation and update, bookmark texts, and authors.
Get top of the year bookmarks
GET api/2.0/community/bookmark/top/year
Returns a list of the most popular bookmarks for the current year with the bookmark titles, dates of creation and update, bookmark texts, and authors.
Remove a bookmark
DELETE api/2.0/community/bookmark/{id}
Removes a bookmark with the ID specified in the request.
Remove a bookmark from favorites
DELETE api/2.0/community/bookmark/@favs/{id}
Removes a bookmark from favorites. If after removing the user bookmark, its rating is 0, then the bookmark will be removed completely.
Remove a comment
DELETE api/2.0/community/bookmark/comment/{commentid}
Removes a comment with the ID specified in the request.
Search bookmarks
GET api/2.0/community/bookmark/@search/{query}
Returns a list of bookmarks matching the search query specified in the request with the bookmark titles, dates of creation and update, bookmark descriptions, and authors.
Update a bookmark comment
PUT api/2.0/community/bookmark/comment/{commentid}
Updates the selected bookmark comment with the content specified in the request.