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Some plugins are installed by default. Switch to the Plugins tab to see the available ones. To install additional plugins, see the desktop, on-premises or cloud installation instructions.
ONLYOFFICE offers its own style sheet in the plugin.css file connected to the index.html file. Detailed instructions on connecting ONLYOFFICE styles to the editors can be found here.
To localize a plugin, you need to do the following:
Further information about the localization can be found at this page.
Use the plugin variations or subplugins to create an About window for your plugin or add extra plugin settings. Have a look at the plugin example with two variations here. In addition to two variations in the config, you also need to create an additional index_about.html file.
All ready-to-use plugins are available in the ONLYOFFICE App Directory.
More plugin samples are listed on GitHub. Feel free to fork them and use them as examples to create your own plugin.
Please make sure that your plugin archive doesn’t look the following way:
All the plugin files and subfolders must be at the archive root. To do it, unpack the plugin folder first and then archive its elements only.
Microsoft Office macros use Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) scripting language, while ONLYOFFICE editors use JavaScript. But this is not difficult to convert your previously used macros into the new format. Some examples of converting MS VBA macros you can see here.
Macros use JavaScript language syntax and Office JavaScript API scripting notation, thus the methods available in JavaScript and all the methods supported by Office API are also supported by macros.
Macros are attached to the specific documents and there is no possibility to make them global. However, you can write a plugin that will be loaded for all the users.