
class ApiTablePr


Class representing the table properties.

Instance Methods

GetClassType(): tablePr

Returns a type of the ApiTablePr class.


Specifies a number of columns which will comprise each table column band for this table style.


Specifies a number of rows which will comprise each table row band for this table style.


Specifies the alignment of the current table with respect to the text margins in the current section.

SetShd(sType, r, g, b, isAuto)

Specifies the shading which is applied to the extents of the current table.

SetTableBorderTop(sType, nSize, nSpace, r, g, b)

Sets the border which will be displayed at the top of the current table.

SetTableBorderBottom(sType, nSize, nSpace, r, g, b)

Sets the border which will be displayed at the bottom of the current table.

SetTableBorderLeft(sType, nSize, nSpace, r, g, b)

Sets the border which will be displayed on the left of the current table.

SetTableBorderRight(sType, nSize, nSpace, r, g, b)

Sets the border which will be displayed on the right of the current table.

SetTableBorderInsideH(sType, nSize, nSpace, r, g, b)

Specifies the border which will be displayed on all horizontal table cell borders which are not on the outmost edge of the parent table (all horizontal borders which are not the topmost or bottommost borders).

SetTableBorderInsideV(sType, nSize, nSpace, r, g, b)

Specifies the border which will be displayed on all vertical table cell borders which are not on the outmost edge of the parent table (all vertical borders which are not the leftmost or rightmost borders).


Specifies an amount of space which will be left between the bottom extent of the cell contents and the border of all table cells within the parent table (or table row).


Specifies an amount of space which will be left between the left extent of the cell contents and the left border of all table cells within the parent table (or table row).


Specifies an amount of space which will be left between the right extent of the cell contents and the right border of all table cells within the parent table (or table row).


Specifies an amount of space which will be left between the top extent of the cell contents and the top border of all table cells within the parent table (or table row).


Specifies the default table cell spacing (the spacing between adjacent cells and the edges of the table).


Specifies the indentation which will be added before the leading edge of the current table in the document (the left edge in the left-to-right table, and the right edge in the right-to-left table).

SetWidth(sType, nValue)



Specifies the algorithm which will be used to lay out the contents of the current table within the document.

SetTableTitle(sTitle): boolean

Sets the table title (caption).

GetTableTitle(): string

Returns the table title (caption).

SetTableDescription(sDescr): boolean

Sets the table description.

GetTableDescription(): string

Returns the table description.


Converts the ApiTablePr object into the JSON object.

Extends By


Class representing a table.

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