
A component that is used to add components into Box. Only components that are embedded into DOM can be wrapped (toast, modal dialog, etc. cannot be wrapped).

Interface: Component.

Extra parameters
Name Description Type Example
The context name that updates the component via React context. string "acceptButton"
import {Actions, ButtonGroup, ButtonSize, Components, IButton, IMessage, ToastType} from "@onlyoffice/docspace-plugin-sdk";

const onClick = () => {
    const message: IMessage = {
        "actions": [Actions.showToast, Actions.updateProps],
        "toastProps": [{"title": "Data is saved", "type": ToastType.success}],
        "newProps": {...adminButtonProps, isDisabled: true},

    return message;

export const adminButtonProps: IButton = {
    "size": ButtonSize.normal,
    "label": "Save",
    "scale": false,
    "primary": true,
    "isDisabled": true,

const buttonComponent: ButtonGroup = {
    "component": Components.button,
    "props": buttonProps,
    "contextName": "acceptButton",