Returns a list of all the available portal settings with the current values for each parameter.
Name | Description | Type | Example |
sent in url
Specifies if the password hasher settings will be returned or not
Bool value | true |
GET api/2.0/settings Host: Content-Type: application/json Accept: application/json { "withpassword": true }
{ "status": 0, "response": { "Timezone": "some text", "TrustedDomains": [ "some text" ], "TrustedDomainsType": "None", "Culture": "some text", "UtcHoursOffset": 1234, "GreetingSettings": "some text", "OwnerId": "9924256A-739C-462b-AF15-E652A3B1B6EB", "NameSchemaId": "some text", "EnabledJoin": true, "EnableAdmMess": true, "ThirdpartyEnable": true, "DocSpace": true, "Standalone": true, "BaseDomain": "some text", "WizardToken": "some text", "Firebase": { "ApiKey": "some text", "AuthDomain": "some text", "ProjectId": "some text", "StorageBucket": "some text", "MessagingSenderId": "some text", "AppId": "some text", "MeasurementId": "some text", "DatabaseURL": "some text" }, "Version": "some text", "RecaptchaPublicKey": "some text", "DebugInfo": true, "SocketUrl": "some text", "TenantAlias": "some text", "HelpLink": "some text", "ForumLink": "some text", "ApiDocsLink": "some text", "ZendeskKey": "some text", "TagManagerId": "some text", "BookTrainingEmail": "some text", "DocumentationEmail": "some text", "LegalTerms": "some text", "CookieSettingsEnabled": true, "UserNameRegex": "some text", "Plugins": { "Enabled": true, "Upload": true, "Delete": true } } }