Updates a photo of the user with the ID specified in the request.
Name | Description | Type | Example |
sent in url
User ID | string | some text |
sent in body
User ID | string | some text |
sent in body
Specifies whether to disable a user or not | Bool value | true |
PUT api/2.0/people/%22some+text%22/photo Host: yourportal.onlyoffice.com Content-Type: application/json Accept: application/json { "UserId": "some text", "Disable": true }
Updated thumbnail parameters: original photo, retina, maximum size photo, big, medium, small
{ "status": 0, "response": { "Original": "some text", "Retina": "some text", "Max": "some text", "Big": "some text", "Medium": "some text", "Small": "some text" } }