Returns the reference data to uniquely identify a file in its system and check the availability of insering data into the destination spreadsheet by the external link.
Name | Description | Type | Example |
sent in body
The unique document identifier used by the service to get a link to the file | number | 1234 |
sent in body
The unique system identifier | string | some text |
sent in body
Source file ID | number | 1234 |
sent in body
The file name or relative path for the formula editor | string | some text |
POST api/2.0/files/file/referencedata Host: Content-Type: application/json Accept: application/json { "FileKey": 1234, "InstanceId": "some text", "SourceFileId": 1234, "Path": "some text" }
File reference data
{ "status": 0, "response": { "ReferenceData": { "FileKey": 1234, "InstanceId": "some text" }, "Error": "some text", "Path": "some text", "Url": "some text", "FileType": "some text", "Key": "some text", "Link": "some text", "Token": "some text" } }