

The configuration parameters describe the behavior and display options of the DocSpace elements.

Name Description Type Example
The text that will be inserted into the div tag when the destroyFrame method is called. string ""
The editor mode display type ("embedded", "desktop"). string "embedded"
A list of DocSpace events that will be returned on certain actions within the SDK. object { onSelectCallback: null, onCloseCallback: null, onAppReady: null, onAppError: null }
The filter parameters that facilitate searching files in the DocSpace manager:
  • count - a number of files to be displayed,
    type: integer,
    example: 100;
  • page - a page number,
    type: integer,
    example: 1;
  • sortorder - the sort order of files ("descending", "ascending"),
    type: string,
    example: "descending";
  • sortby - the parameter by which the files will be sorted ("DateAndTime", "AZ", "Type", "Size", "DateAndTimeCreation", "Author"),
    type: string,
    example: "DateAndTime".
object { count: 100, page: 1, sortorder: "descending", sortby: "DateAndTime" }
The frame SDK ID which is used to refer to the SDK instance. string "ds-frame"
The frame SDK height measured in percent. string "100%"
The element ID which will be used in the SDK initialization modes. string null
The language of the DocSpace user interface which is specified with the four letter language code. string "en-US"
The SDK initialization mode ("manager", "file-selector", 'room-selector", "editor", "viewer", "system") string "manager"
The name of the object inserted into the page. It is used for messaging at the SDK level. string "frameDocSpace"
The path to the frame SDK. Opens a list of rooms by default. string "/rooms/shared/"
Specifies whether the interface filter is displayed in the DocSpace manager. boolean false
Specifies whether the interface header is displayed in the DocSpace manager. boolean false
Specifies whether the interface menu is displayed in the DocSpace manager. boolean false
Specifies whether the interface title is displayed in the DocSpace manager. boolean true
The base URL to the DocSpace portal. It is used to generate links. string {PORTAL_SRC}
The DocSpace user interface theme ("Base", "Dark", "System"). string "Base"
The platform type which is used by the browser and affects the parameters of the inserted object ("desktop", "mobile"). string "desktop"
The way elements are arranged in the DocSpace manager ("row", "table", "tile"). string "row"
The frame SDK width measured in percent. string "100%"
    "destroyText": "",
    "editorType": "embedded",
    "events": {
        "onSelectCallback": null,
        "onCloseCallback": null,
        "onAppReady": null,
        "onAppError": null
    "filter": {
          "count": 100,
          "page": 1,
          "sortorder": "descending",
          "sortby": "DateAndTime"
    "frameId": "ds-frame",
    "height":  "100%",
    "id": null,
    "locale": "en-US",
    "mode": "manager",
    "name": "frameDocSpace",
    "rootPath": "/rooms/shared/",
    "showFilter": false,
    "showHeader": false,
    "showMenu": false,
    "showTitle": true,
    "src": {PORTAL_SRC},
    "theme": "Base",
    "type": "desktop",
    "viewAs": "row",
    "width": "100%"