- Authorization
- Common settings
- Close the admin helper notification
- Complete the Wizard settings
- Delete a color theme
- Get a color theme
- Get a portal logo
- Get hostname
- Get supported languages
- Get the payment settings
- Get the portal settings
- Get the socket settings
- Get time zones
- Save a color theme
- Save the DNS settings
- Save the mail domain settings
- Cookies
- Encryption
- Greeting settings
- IP restrictions
- License
- Login settings
- Messages
- Notifications
- Owner
- Quota
- Rebranding
- Check the default white label logos
- Check the white label availability
- Delete the additional white label settings
- Delete the company white label settings
- Get the additional white label settings
- Get the company white label settings
- Get the licensor data
- Get the white label logo text
- Get the white label logos
- Restore the white label options
- Save the additional white label settings
- Save the company white label settings
- Save the white label settings
- Save the white label settings from files
- Security
- Statistics
- Storage
- Team templates
- TFA settings
- Tips
- Webhooks
- Webplugins