Get folder history

GET /api/2.0/files/folder/{folderid}/log


Get the activity history of a folder with a specified identifier


An API key is a token that you provide when making API calls. Include the token in a cookie parameter called asc_auth_key.

Example: asc_auth_key=864FE52C-1C1C-469F-9308-51DAFEFE7436.


Acceptenum of string

Can be one of: application/json, text/json, text/plain.


folderIdintegerformat: int32required

File ID



Start date

utcTimestringformat: date-time


timeZoneOffsetstringformat: date-span



End date

utcTimestringformat: date-time


timeZoneOffsetstringformat: date-span



GET /api/2.0/files/folder/%7Bfolderid%7D/log?fromDate=%7B%22utcTime%22%3A%222008-04-10T06%3A30%3A00.0000000%2B04%3A00%22%2C%22timeZoneOffset%22%3A%2200%3A00%3A00%22%7D&toDate=%7B%22utcTime%22%3A%222008-04-10T06%3A30%3A00.0000000%2B04%3A00%22%2C%22timeZoneOffset%22%3A%2200%3A00%3A00%22%7D HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json
curl --request GET \
  --url '' \
  --header 'Accept: application/json'



List of actions in the folder

idone of
.enum of string

[LoginSuccess - Login success, LoginSuccessViaSocialAccount - Login success via social account, LoginFailInvalidCombination - Login fail invalid combination, LoginFailSocialAccountNotFound - Login fail social account not found, LoginFailDisabledProfile - Login fail disabled profile, LoginFail - Login fail, Logout - Logout, LoginSuccessViaSms - Login success via sms, LoginFailViaSms - Login fail via sms, LoginFailIpSecurity - Login fail ip security, LoginSuccessViaApi - Login success via api, LoginSuccessViaSocialApp - Login success via social app, LoginSuccessViaApiSms - Login success via api sms, LoginFailViaApi - Login fail via api, LoginFailViaApiSms - Login fail via api sms, LoginSuccessViaSSO - Login success via SSO, SessionStarted - Session started, SessionCompleted - Session completed, LoginFailViaSSO - Login fail via SSO, LoginSuccessViaApiSocialAccount - Login success via api social account, LoginFailViaApiSocialAccount - Login fail via api social account, LoginSuccesViaTfaApp - Login succes via tfa app, LoginFailViaTfaApp - Login fail via Tfa app, LoginFailBruteForce - Login fail brute force, LoginSuccessViaApiTfa - Login success via api tfa, LoginFailViaApiTfa - Login fail via api tfa, LoginFailRecaptcha - Login fail recaptcha, UserCreated - User created, GuestCreated - Guest created, UserCreatedViaInvite - User created via invite, GuestCreatedViaInvite - Guest created via invite, UserActivated - User activated, GuestActivated - Guest activated, UserUpdated - User updated, UserUpdatedLanguage - User updated language, UserAddedAvatar - User added avatar, UserDeletedAvatar - User deleted avatar, UserUpdatedAvatarThumbnails - User updated avatar thumbnails, UserLinkedSocialAccount - User linked social account, UserUnlinkedSocialAccount - User unlinked social account, UserSentActivationInstructions - User sent activation instructions, UserSentEmailChangeInstructions - User sent email change instructions, UserSentPasswordChangeInstructions - User sent password change instructions, UserSentDeleteInstructions - User sent delete instructions, UserUpdatedPassword - User updated password, UserDeleted - User deleted, UsersUpdatedType - Users updated type, UsersUpdatedStatus - Users updated status, UsersSentActivationInstructions - Users sent activation instructions, UsersDeleted - Users deleted, SentInviteInstructions - Sent invite instructions, UserImported - User imported, GuestImported - Guest imported, GroupCreated - Group created, GroupUpdated - Group updated, GroupDeleted - Group deleted, UserUpdatedMobileNumber - User updated mobile number, UserDataReassigns - User data reassigns, UserDataRemoving - User data removing, UserConnectedTfaApp - User connected tfa app, UserDisconnectedTfaApp - User disconnected tfa app, UserLogoutActiveConnections - User logout active connections, UserLogoutActiveConnection - User logout active connection, UserLogoutActiveConnectionsForUser - User logout active connections for user, SendJoinInvite - Send join invite, FileCreated - File created, FileRenamed - File renamed, FileUpdated - File updated, FileCreatedVersion - File created version, FileDeletedVersion - File deleted version, FileUpdatedRevisionComment - File updated revision comment, FileLocked - File locked, FileUnlocked - File unlocked, FileUpdatedAccess - File updated access, FileDownloaded - File downloaded, FileDownloadedAs - File downloaded as, FileUploaded - File uploaded, FileImported - File imported, FileCopied - File copied, FileCopiedWithOverwriting - File copied with overwriting, FileMoved - File moved, FileMovedWithOverwriting - File moved with overwriting, FileMovedToTrash - File moved to trash, FileDeleted - File deleted, FolderCreated - Folder created, FolderRenamed - Folder renamed, FolderUpdatedAccess - Folder updated access, FolderCopied - Folder copied, FolderCopiedWithOverwriting - Folder copied with overwriting, FolderMoved - Folder moved, FolderMovedWithOverwriting - Folder moved with overwriting, FolderMovedToTrash - Folder moved to trash, FolderDeleted - Folder deleted, ThirdPartyCreated - ThirdParty created, ThirdPartyUpdated - ThirdParty updated, ThirdPartyDeleted - ThirdParty deleted, DocumentsThirdPartySettingsUpdated - Documents ThirdParty settings updated, DocumentsOverwritingSettingsUpdated - Documents overwriting settings updated, DocumentsUploadingFormatsSettingsUpdated - Documents uploading formats settings updated, UserFileUpdated - User file updated, FileConverted - File converted, FileSendAccessLink - File send access link, DocumentServiceLocationSetting - Document service location setting, AuthorizationKeysSetting - Authorization keys setting, FullTextSearchSetting - Full text search setting, StartTransferSetting - Start transfer setting, StartBackupSetting - Start backup setting, LicenseKeyUploaded - License key uploaded, FileChangeOwner - File change owner, FileRestoreVersion - File restore version, DocumentSendToSign - Document send to sign, DocumentSignComplete - Document sign complete, UserUpdatedEmail - User updated email, DocumentsStoreForcesave - Documents store forcesave, DocumentsForcesave - Documents forcesave, StartStorageEncryption - Start storage encryption, PrivacyRoomEnable - Privacy room enable, PrivacyRoomDisable - Privacy room disable, StartStorageDecryption - Start storage decryption, FileOpenedForChange - File opened for change, FileMarkedAsFavorite - File marked as favorite, FileRemovedFromFavorite - File removed from favorite, FolderDownloaded - Folder downloaded, FileRemovedFromList - File removed from list, FolderRemovedFromList - Folder removed from list, FileExternalLinkAccessUpdated - File external link access updated, TrashEmptied - Trash emptied, FileRevisionDownloaded - File revision downloaded, FileMarkedAsRead - File marked as read, FileReaded - File readed, FolderMarkedAsRead - Folder marked as read, FolderUpdatedAccessFor - Folder updated access for, FileUpdatedAccessFor - File updated access for, DocumentsExternalShareSettingsUpdated - Documents external share settings updated, RoomCreated - Room created, RoomRenamed - Room renamed, RoomArchived - Room archived, RoomUnarchived - Room unarchived, RoomDeleted - Room deleted, RoomUpdateAccessForUser - Room update access for user, TagCreated - Tag created, TagsDeleted - Tags deleted, AddedRoomTags - Added room tags, DeletedRoomTags - Deleted room tags, RoomLogoCreated - Room logo created, RoomLogoDeleted - Room logo deleted, RoomInvitationLinkUpdated - Room invitation link updated, DocumentsKeepNewFileNameSettingsUpdated - Documents keep new file name settings updated, RoomRemoveUser - Room remove user, RoomCreateUser - Room create user, RoomInvitationLinkCreated - Room invitation link created, RoomInvitationLinkDeleted - Room invitation link deleted, RoomExternalLinkCreated - Room external link created, RoomExternalLinkUpdated - Room external link updated, RoomExternalLinkDeleted - Room external link deleted, FileExternalLinkCreated - File external link created, FileExternalLinkUpdated - File external link updated, FileExternalLinkDeleted - File external link deleted, RoomGroupAdded - Room group added, RoomUpdateAccessForGroup - Room update access for group, RoomGroupRemove - Room group remove, RoomExternalLinkRevoked - Room external link revoked, RoomExternalLinkRenamed - Room external link renamed, FileUploadedWithOverwriting - File uploaded with overwriting, RoomCopied - Room copied, DocumentsDisplayFileExtensionUpdated - Documents display file extension updated, RoomColorChanged - Room color changed, RoomCoverChanged - Room cover changed, RoomIndexingChanged - Room indexing changed, RoomDenyDownloadChanged - Room deny download changed, RoomIndexExportSaved - Room index export saved, FolderIndexChanged - Folder index changed, FolderIndexReordered - Folder index reordered, RoomDenyDownloadEnabled - Room deny download enabled, RoomDenyDownloadDisabled - Room deny download disabled, FileIndexChanged - File index changed, RoomWatermarkSet - Room watermark set, RoomWatermarkDisabled - Room watermark disabled, RoomIndexingEnabled - Room index export saved, RoomIndexingDisabled - Room indexing disabled, RoomLifeTimeSet - Room life time set, RoomLifeTimeDisabled - Room life time disabled, RoomInviteResend - Room invite resend, LanguageSettingsUpdated - Language settings updated, TimeZoneSettingsUpdated - Time zone settings updated, DnsSettingsUpdated - Dns settings updated, TrustedMailDomainSettingsUpdated - Trusted mail domain settings updated, PasswordStrengthSettingsUpdated - Password strength settings updated, TwoFactorAuthenticationSettingsUpdated - Two factor authentication settings updated, AdministratorMessageSettingsUpdated - Administrator message settings updated, DefaultStartPageSettingsUpdated - Default start page settings updated, ProductsListUpdated - Products list updated, AdministratorAdded - Administrator added, AdministratorOpenedFullAccess - Administrator opened full access, AdministratorDeleted - Administrator deleted, UsersOpenedProductAccess - Users opened product access, GroupsOpenedProductAccess - Groups opened product access, ProductAccessOpened - Product access opened, ProductAccessRestricted - Product access restricted, ProductAddedAdministrator - Product added administrator, ProductDeletedAdministrator - Product deleted administrator, GreetingSettingsUpdated - Greeting settings updated, TeamTemplateChanged - Team template changed, ColorThemeChanged - Color theme changed, OwnerSentChangeOwnerInstructions - Owner sent change owner instructions, OwnerUpdated - Owner updated, OwnerSentPortalDeactivationInstructions - Owner sent portal deactivation instructions, OwnerSentPortalDeleteInstructions - Owner sent portal delete instructions, PortalDeactivated - Portal deactivated, PortalDeleted - Portal deleted, LoginHistoryReportDownloaded - Login history report downloaded, AuditTrailReportDownloaded - Audit trail report downloaded, SSOEnabled - SSO enabled, SSODisabled - SSO disabled, PortalAccessSettingsUpdated - Portal access settings updated, CookieSettingsUpdated - Cookie settings updated, MailServiceSettingsUpdated - Mail service settings updated, CustomNavigationSettingsUpdated - Custom navigation settings updated, AuditSettingsUpdated - Audit settings updated, TwoFactorAuthenticationDisabled - Two factor authentication disabled, TwoFactorAuthenticationEnabledBySms - Two factor authentication enabled by sms, TwoFactorAuthenticationEnabledByTfaApp - Two factor authentication enabled by tfa app, PortalRenamed - Portal renamed, QuotaPerRoomChanged - Quota per room changed, QuotaPerRoomDisabled - Quota per room disabled, QuotaPerUserChanged - Quota per user changed, QuotaPerUserDisabled - Quota per user disabled, QuotaPerPortalChanged - Quota per portal changed, QuotaPerPortalDisabled - Quota per portal disabled, FormSubmit - Form submit, FormOpenedForFilling - Form opened for filling, CustomQuotaPerRoomDefault - Custom quota per room default, CustomQuotaPerRoomChanged - Custom quota per room changed, CustomQuotaPerRoomDisabled - Custom quota per room disabled, CustomQuotaPerUserDefault - Custom quota per user default, CustomQuotaPerUserChanged - Custom quota per user changed, CustomQuotaPerUserDisabled - Custom quota per user disabled, ContactAdminMailSent - Contact admin mail sent, RoomInviteLinkUsed - Room invite link used, UserCreatedAndAddedToRoom - User created and added to room, GuestCreatedAndAddedToRoom - Guest created and added to room, ContactSalesMailSent - Contact sales mail sent, CreateClient - Create client, UpdateClient - Update client, RegenerateSecret - Regenerate secret, DeleteClient - Delete client, ChangeClientActivation - Change client activation, ChangeClientVisibility - Change client visibility, RevokeUserClient - Revoke user client, GenerateAuthorizationCodeToken - Generate authorization code token, GeneratePersonalAccessToken - Generate personal access token, None - None]

Can be one of: LoginSuccess, LoginSuccessViaSocialAccount, LoginFailInvalidCombination, LoginFailSocialAccountNotFound, LoginFailDisabledProfile, LoginFail, Logout, LoginSuccessViaSms, LoginFailViaSms, LoginFailIpSecurity, LoginSuccessViaApi, LoginSuccessViaSocialApp, LoginSuccessViaApiSms, LoginFailViaApi, LoginFailViaApiSms, LoginSuccessViaSSO, SessionStarted, SessionCompleted, LoginFailViaSSO, LoginSuccessViaApiSocialAccount, LoginFailViaApiSocialAccount, LoginSuccesViaTfaApp, LoginFailViaTfaApp, LoginFailBruteForce, LoginSuccessViaApiTfa, LoginFailViaApiTfa, LoginFailRecaptcha, UserCreated, GuestCreated, UserCreatedViaInvite, GuestCreatedViaInvite, UserActivated, GuestActivated, UserUpdated, UserUpdatedLanguage, UserAddedAvatar, UserDeletedAvatar, UserUpdatedAvatarThumbnails, UserLinkedSocialAccount, UserUnlinkedSocialAccount, UserSentActivationInstructions, UserSentEmailChangeInstructions, UserSentPasswordChangeInstructions, UserSentDeleteInstructions, UserUpdatedPassword, UserDeleted, UsersUpdatedType, UsersUpdatedStatus, UsersSentActivationInstructions, UsersDeleted, SentInviteInstructions, UserImported, GuestImported, GroupCreated, GroupUpdated, GroupDeleted, UserUpdatedMobileNumber, UserDataReassigns, UserDataRemoving, UserConnectedTfaApp, UserDisconnectedTfaApp, UserLogoutActiveConnections, UserLogoutActiveConnection, UserLogoutActiveConnectionsForUser, SendJoinInvite, FileCreated, FileRenamed, FileUpdated, FileCreatedVersion, FileDeletedVersion, FileUpdatedRevisionComment, FileLocked, FileUnlocked, FileUpdatedAccess, FileDownloaded, FileDownloadedAs, FileUploaded, FileImported, FileCopied, FileCopiedWithOverwriting, FileMoved, FileMovedWithOverwriting, FileMovedToTrash, FileDeleted, FolderCreated, FolderRenamed, FolderUpdatedAccess, FolderCopied, FolderCopiedWithOverwriting, FolderMoved, FolderMovedWithOverwriting, FolderMovedToTrash, FolderDeleted, ThirdPartyCreated, ThirdPartyUpdated, ThirdPartyDeleted, DocumentsThirdPartySettingsUpdated, DocumentsOverwritingSettingsUpdated, DocumentsUploadingFormatsSettingsUpdated, UserFileUpdated, FileConverted, FileSendAccessLink, DocumentServiceLocationSetting, AuthorizationKeysSetting, FullTextSearchSetting, StartTransferSetting, StartBackupSetting, LicenseKeyUploaded, FileChangeOwner, FileRestoreVersion, DocumentSendToSign, DocumentSignComplete, UserUpdatedEmail, DocumentsStoreForcesave, DocumentsForcesave, StartStorageEncryption, PrivacyRoomEnable, PrivacyRoomDisable, StartStorageDecryption, FileOpenedForChange, FileMarkedAsFavorite, FileRemovedFromFavorite, FolderDownloaded, FileRemovedFromList, FolderRemovedFromList, FileExternalLinkAccessUpdated, TrashEmptied, FileRevisionDownloaded, FileMarkedAsRead, FileReaded, FolderMarkedAsRead, FolderUpdatedAccessFor, FileUpdatedAccessFor, DocumentsExternalShareSettingsUpdated, RoomCreated, RoomRenamed, RoomArchived, RoomUnarchived, RoomDeleted, RoomUpdateAccessForUser, TagCreated, TagsDeleted, AddedRoomTags, DeletedRoomTags, RoomLogoCreated, RoomLogoDeleted, RoomInvitationLinkUpdated, DocumentsKeepNewFileNameSettingsUpdated, RoomRemoveUser, RoomCreateUser, RoomInvitationLinkCreated, RoomInvitationLinkDeleted, RoomExternalLinkCreated, RoomExternalLinkUpdated, RoomExternalLinkDeleted, FileExternalLinkCreated, FileExternalLinkUpdated, FileExternalLinkDeleted, RoomGroupAdded, RoomUpdateAccessForGroup, RoomGroupRemove, RoomExternalLinkRevoked, RoomExternalLinkRenamed, FileUploadedWithOverwriting, RoomCopied, DocumentsDisplayFileExtensionUpdated, RoomColorChanged, RoomCoverChanged, RoomIndexingChanged, RoomDenyDownloadChanged, RoomIndexExportSaved, FolderIndexChanged, FolderIndexReordered, RoomDenyDownloadEnabled, RoomDenyDownloadDisabled, FileIndexChanged, RoomWatermarkSet, RoomWatermarkDisabled, RoomIndexingEnabled, RoomIndexingDisabled, RoomLifeTimeSet, RoomLifeTimeDisabled, RoomInviteResend, LanguageSettingsUpdated, TimeZoneSettingsUpdated, DnsSettingsUpdated, TrustedMailDomainSettingsUpdated, PasswordStrengthSettingsUpdated, TwoFactorAuthenticationSettingsUpdated, AdministratorMessageSettingsUpdated, DefaultStartPageSettingsUpdated, ProductsListUpdated, AdministratorAdded, AdministratorOpenedFullAccess, AdministratorDeleted, UsersOpenedProductAccess, GroupsOpenedProductAccess, ProductAccessOpened, ProductAccessRestricted, ProductAddedAdministrator, ProductDeletedAdministrator, GreetingSettingsUpdated, TeamTemplateChanged, ColorThemeChanged, OwnerSentChangeOwnerInstructions, OwnerUpdated, OwnerSentPortalDeactivationInstructions, OwnerSentPortalDeleteInstructions, PortalDeactivated, PortalDeleted, LoginHistoryReportDownloaded, AuditTrailReportDownloaded, SSOEnabled, SSODisabled, PortalAccessSettingsUpdated, CookieSettingsUpdated, MailServiceSettingsUpdated, CustomNavigationSettingsUpdated, AuditSettingsUpdated, TwoFactorAuthenticationDisabled, TwoFactorAuthenticationEnabledBySms, TwoFactorAuthenticationEnabledByTfaApp, PortalRenamed, QuotaPerRoomChanged, QuotaPerRoomDisabled, QuotaPerUserChanged, QuotaPerUserDisabled, QuotaPerPortalChanged, QuotaPerPortalDisabled, FormSubmit, FormOpenedForFilling, CustomQuotaPerRoomDefault, CustomQuotaPerRoomChanged, CustomQuotaPerRoomDisabled, CustomQuotaPerUserDefault, CustomQuotaPerUserChanged, CustomQuotaPerUserDisabled, ContactAdminMailSent, RoomInviteLinkUsed, UserCreatedAndAddedToRoom, GuestCreatedAndAddedToRoom, ContactSalesMailSent, CreateClient, UpdateClient, RegenerateSecret, DeleteClient, ChangeClientActivation, ChangeClientVisibility, RevokeUserClient, GenerateAuthorizationCodeToken, GeneratePersonalAccessToken, None.

.enum of integer

[1000 - Login success, 1001 - Login success via social account, 1002 - Login fail invalid combination, 1003 - Login fail social account not found, 1004 - Login fail disabled profile, 1005 - Login fail, 1006 - Logout, 1007 - Login success via sms, 1008 - Login fail via sms, 1009 - Login fail ip security, 1010 - Login success via api, 1011 - Login success via social app, 1012 - Login success via api sms, 1013 - Login fail via api, 1014 - Login fail via api sms, 1015 - Login success via SSO, 1016 - Session started, 1017 - Session completed, 1018 - Login fail via SSO, 1019 - Login success via api social account, 1020 - Login fail via api social account, 1021 - Login succes via tfa app, 1022 - Login fail via Tfa app, 1023 - Login fail brute force, 1024 - Login success via api tfa, 1025 - Login fail via api tfa, 1026 - Login fail recaptcha, 4000 - User created, 4001 - Guest created, 4002 - User created via invite, 4003 - Guest created via invite, 4004 - User activated, 4005 - Guest activated, 4006 - User updated, 4007 - User updated language, 4008 - User added avatar, 4009 - User deleted avatar, 4010 - User updated avatar thumbnails, 4011 - User linked social account, 4012 - User unlinked social account, 4013 - User sent activation instructions, 4014 - User sent email change instructions, 4015 - User sent password change instructions, 4016 - User sent delete instructions, 4017 - User updated password, 4018 - User deleted, 4019 - Users updated type, 4020 - Users updated status, 4021 - Users sent activation instructions, 4022 - Users deleted, 4023 - Sent invite instructions, 4024 - User imported, 4025 - Guest imported, 4026 - Group created, 4027 - Group updated, 4028 - Group deleted, 4029 - User updated mobile number, 4030 - User data reassigns, 4031 - User data removing, 4032 - User connected tfa app, 4033 - User disconnected tfa app, 4034 - User logout active connections, 4035 - User logout active connection, 4036 - User logout active connections for user, 4037 - Send join invite, 5000 - File created, 5001 - File renamed, 5002 - File updated, 5003 - File created version, 5004 - File deleted version, 5005 - File updated revision comment, 5006 - File locked, 5007 - File unlocked, 5008 - File updated access, 5009 - File downloaded, 5010 - File downloaded as, 5011 - File uploaded, 5012 - File imported, 5013 - File copied, 5014 - File copied with overwriting, 5015 - File moved, 5016 - File moved with overwriting, 5017 - File moved to trash, 5018 - File deleted, 5019 - Folder created, 5020 - Folder renamed, 5021 - Folder updated access, 5022 - Folder copied, 5023 - Folder copied with overwriting, 5024 - Folder moved, 5025 - Folder moved with overwriting, 5026 - Folder moved to trash, 5027 - Folder deleted, 5028 - ThirdParty created, 5029 - ThirdParty updated, 5030 - ThirdParty deleted, 5031 - Documents ThirdParty settings updated, 5032 - Documents overwriting settings updated, 5033 - Documents uploading formats settings updated, 5034 - User file updated, 5035 - File converted, 5036 - File send access link, 5037 - Document service location setting, 5038 - Authorization keys setting, 5039 - Full text search setting, 5040 - Start transfer setting, 5041 - Start backup setting, 5042 - License key uploaded, 5043 - File change owner, 5044 - File restore version, 5045 - Document send to sign, 5046 - Document sign complete, 5047 - User updated email, 5048 - Documents store forcesave, 5049 - Documents forcesave, 5050 - Start storage encryption, 5051 - Privacy room enable, 5052 - Privacy room disable, 5053 - Start storage decryption, 5054 - File opened for change, 5055 - File marked as favorite, 5056 - File removed from favorite, 5057 - Folder downloaded, 5058 - File removed from list, 5059 - Folder removed from list, 5060 - File external link access updated, 5061 - Trash emptied, 5062 - File revision downloaded, 5063 - File marked as read, 5064 - File readed, 5065 - Folder marked as read, 5066 - Folder updated access for, 5068 - File updated access for, 5069 - Documents external share settings updated, 5070 - Room created, 5071 - Room renamed, 5072 - Room archived, 5073 - Room unarchived, 5074 - Room deleted, 5075 - Room update access for user, 5076 - Tag created, 5077 - Tags deleted, 5078 - Added room tags, 5079 - Deleted room tags, 5080 - Room logo created, 5081 - Room logo deleted, 5082 - Room invitation link updated, 5083 - Documents keep new file name settings updated, 5084 - Room remove user, 5085 - Room create user, 5086 - Room invitation link created, 5087 - Room invitation link deleted, 5088 - Room external link created, 5089 - Room external link updated, 5090 - Room external link deleted, 5091 - File external link created, 5092 - File external link updated, 5093 - File external link deleted, 5094 - Room group added, 5095 - Room update access for group, 5096 - Room group remove, 5097 - Room external link revoked, 5098 - Room external link renamed, 5099 - File uploaded with overwriting, 5100 - Room copied, 5101 - Documents display file extension updated, 5102 - Room color changed, 5103 - Room cover changed, 5104 - Room indexing changed, 5105 - Room deny download changed, 5106 - Room index export saved, 5107 - Folder index changed, 5108 - Folder index reordered, 5109 - Room deny download enabled, 5110 - Room deny download disabled, 5111 - File index changed, 5112 - Room watermark set, 5113 - Room watermark disabled, 5114 - Room index export saved, 5115 - Room indexing disabled, 5116 - Room life time set, 5117 - Room life time disabled, 5118 - Room invite resend, 6000 - Language settings updated, 6001 - Time zone settings updated, 6002 - Dns settings updated, 6003 - Trusted mail domain settings updated, 6004 - Password strength settings updated, 6005 - Two factor authentication settings updated, 6006 - Administrator message settings updated, 6007 - Default start page settings updated, 6008 - Products list updated, 6009 - Administrator added, 6010 - Administrator opened full access, 6011 - Administrator deleted, 6012 - Users opened product access, 6013 - Groups opened product access, 6014 - Product access opened, 6015 - Product access restricted, 6016 - Product added administrator, 6017 - Product deleted administrator, 6018 - Greeting settings updated, 6019 - Team template changed, 6020 - Color theme changed, 6021 - Owner sent change owner instructions, 6022 - Owner updated, 6023 - Owner sent portal deactivation instructions, 6024 - Owner sent portal delete instructions, 6025 - Portal deactivated, 6026 - Portal deleted, 6027 - Login history report downloaded, 6028 - Audit trail report downloaded, 6029 - SSO enabled, 6030 - SSO disabled, 6031 - Portal access settings updated, 6032 - Cookie settings updated, 6033 - Mail service settings updated, 6034 - Custom navigation settings updated, 6035 - Audit settings updated, 6036 - Two factor authentication disabled, 6037 - Two factor authentication enabled by sms, 6038 - Two factor authentication enabled by tfa app, 6039 - Portal renamed, 6040 - Quota per room changed, 6041 - Quota per room disabled, 6042 - Quota per user changed, 6043 - Quota per user disabled, 6044 - Quota per portal changed, 6045 - Quota per portal disabled, 6046 - Form submit, 6047 - Form opened for filling, 6048 - Custom quota per room default, 6049 - Custom quota per room changed, 6050 - Custom quota per room disabled, 6051 - Custom quota per user default, 6052 - Custom quota per user changed, 6053 - Custom quota per user disabled, 7000 - Contact admin mail sent, 7001 - Room invite link used, 7002 - User created and added to room, 7003 - Guest created and added to room, 7004 - Contact sales mail sent, 9901 - Create client, 9902 - Update client, 9903 - Regenerate secret, 9904 - Delete client, 9905 - Change client activation, 9906 - Change client visibility, 9907 - Revoke user client, 9908 - Generate authorization code token, 9909 - Generate personal access token, -1 - None]

Can be one of: 1000, 1001, 1002, 1003, 1004, 1005, 1006, 1007, 1008, 1009, 1010, 1011, 1012, 1013, 1014, 1015, 1016, 1017, 1018, 1019, 1020, 1021, 1022, 1023, 1024, 1025, 1026, 4000, 4001, 4002, 4003, 4004, 4005, 4006, 4007, 4008, 4009, 4010, 4011, 4012, 4013, 4014, 4015, 4016, 4017, 4018, 4019, 4020, 4021, 4022, 4023, 4024, 4025, 4026, 4027, 4028, 4029, 4030, 4031, 4032, 4033, 4034, 4035, 4036, 4037, 5000, 5001, 5002, 5003, 5004, 5005, 5006, 5007, 5008, 5009, 5010, 5011, 5012, 5013, 5014, 5015, 5016, 5017, 5018, 5019, 5020, 5021, 5022, 5023, 5024, 5025, 5026, 5027, 5028, 5029, 5030, 5031, 5032, 5033, 5034, 5035, 5036, 5037, 5038, 5039, 5040, 5041, 5042, 5043, 5044, 5045, 5046, 5047, 5048, 5049, 5050, 5051, 5052, 5053, 5054, 5055, 5056, 5057, 5058, 5059, 5060, 5061, 5062, 5063, 5064, 5065, 5066, 5068, 5069, 5070, 5071, 5072, 5073, 5074, 5075, 5076, 5077, 5078, 5079, 5080, 5081, 5082, 5083, 5084, 5085, 5086, 5087, 5088, 5089, 5090, 5091, 5092, 5093, 5094, 5095, 5096, 5097, 5098, 5099, 5100, 5101, 5102, 5103, 5104, 5105, 5106, 5107, 5108, 5109, 5110, 5111, 5112, 5113, 5114, 5115, 5116, 5117, 5118, 6000, 6001, 6002, 6003, 6004, 6005, 6006, 6007, 6008, 6009, 6010, 6011, 6012, 6013, 6014, 6015, 6016, 6017, 6018, 6019, 6020, 6021, 6022, 6023, 6024, 6025, 6026, 6027, 6028, 6029, 6030, 6031, 6032, 6033, 6034, 6035, 6036, 6037, 6038, 6039, 6040, 6041, 6042, 6043, 6044, 6045, 6046, 6047, 6048, 6049, 6050, 6051, 6052, 6053, 7000, 7001, 7002, 7003, 7004, 9901, 9902, 9903, 9904, 9905, 9906, 9907, 9908, 9909, -1.

idstringformat: uuid



Display name






Original size avatar


Maximum size avatar


Medium size avatar


Small avatar


Profile URL


Specifies if the user has an avatar or not


Specifies if the user is an anonim or not

utcTimestringformat: date-time


timeZoneOffsetstringformat: date-span


relatedarray of circular references





You don't have enough permission to perform the operation


The required folder was not found

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