Get file history
GET /api/2.0/files/file/{fileId}/log
Get the list of actions performed on the file with the specified identifier
An API key is a token that you provide when making API calls. Include the token in a cookie parameter called asc_auth_key
Example: asc_auth_key=864FE52C-1C1C-469F-9308-51DAFEFE7436
- Accept
enum of string
Can be one of:
- fileId
GET /api/2.0/files/file/6178/log HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json
curl --request GET \
--url \
--header 'Accept: application/json'
List of actions performed on the file
- action
- id
one of
- .
enum of string
[LoginSuccess - Login success, LoginSuccessViaSocialAccount - Login success via social account, LoginFailInvalidCombination - Login fail invalid combination, LoginFailSocialAccountNotFound - Login fail social account not found, LoginFailDisabledProfile - Login fail disabled profile, LoginFail - Login fail, Logout - Logout, LoginSuccessViaSms - Login success via sms, LoginFailViaSms - Login fail via sms, LoginFailIpSecurity - Login fail ip security, LoginSuccessViaApi - Login success via api, LoginSuccessViaSocialApp - Login success via social app, LoginSuccessViaApiSms - Login success via api sms, LoginFailViaApi - Login fail via api, LoginFailViaApiSms - Login fail via api sms, LoginSuccessViaSSO - Login success via SSO, SessionStarted - Session started, SessionCompleted - Session completed, LoginFailViaSSO - Login fail via SSO, LoginSuccessViaApiSocialAccount - Login success via api social account, LoginFailViaApiSocialAccount - Login fail via api social account, LoginSuccesViaTfaApp - Login succes via tfa app, LoginFailViaTfaApp - Login fail via Tfa app, LoginFailBruteForce - Login fail brute force, LoginSuccessViaApiTfa - Login success via api tfa, LoginFailViaApiTfa - Login fail via api tfa, LoginFailRecaptcha - Login fail recaptcha, UserCreated - User created, GuestCreated - Guest created, UserCreatedViaInvite - User created via invite, GuestCreatedViaInvite - Guest created via invite, UserActivated - User activated, GuestActivated - Guest activated, UserUpdated - User updated, UserUpdatedLanguage - User updated language, UserAddedAvatar - User added avatar, UserDeletedAvatar - User deleted avatar, UserUpdatedAvatarThumbnails - User updated avatar thumbnails, UserLinkedSocialAccount - User linked social account, UserUnlinkedSocialAccount - User unlinked social account, UserSentActivationInstructions - User sent activation instructions, UserSentEmailChangeInstructions - User sent email change instructions, UserSentPasswordChangeInstructions - User sent password change instructions, UserSentDeleteInstructions - User sent delete instructions, UserUpdatedPassword - User updated password, UserDeleted - User deleted, UsersUpdatedType - Users updated type, UsersUpdatedStatus - Users updated status, UsersSentActivationInstructions - Users sent activation instructions, UsersDeleted - Users deleted, SentInviteInstructions - Sent invite instructions, UserImported - User imported, GuestImported - Guest imported, GroupCreated - Group created, GroupUpdated - Group updated, GroupDeleted - Group deleted, UserUpdatedMobileNumber - User updated mobile number, UserDataReassigns - User data reassigns, UserDataRemoving - User data removing, UserConnectedTfaApp - User connected tfa app, UserDisconnectedTfaApp - User disconnected tfa app, UserLogoutActiveConnections - User logout active connections, UserLogoutActiveConnection - User logout active connection, UserLogoutActiveConnectionsForUser - User logout active connections for user, SendJoinInvite - Send join invite, FileCreated - File created, FileRenamed - File renamed, FileUpdated - File updated, FileCreatedVersion - File created version, FileDeletedVersion - File deleted version, FileUpdatedRevisionComment - File updated revision comment, FileLocked - File locked, FileUnlocked - File unlocked, FileUpdatedAccess - File updated access, FileDownloaded - File downloaded, FileDownloadedAs - File downloaded as, FileUploaded - File uploaded, FileImported - File imported, FileCopied - File copied, FileCopiedWithOverwriting - File copied with overwriting, FileMoved - File moved, FileMovedWithOverwriting - File moved with overwriting, FileMovedToTrash - File moved to trash, FileDeleted - File deleted, FolderCreated - Folder created, FolderRenamed - Folder renamed, FolderUpdatedAccess - Folder updated access, FolderCopied - Folder copied, FolderCopiedWithOverwriting - Folder copied with overwriting, FolderMoved - Folder moved, FolderMovedWithOverwriting - Folder moved with overwriting, FolderMovedToTrash - Folder moved to trash, FolderDeleted - Folder deleted, ThirdPartyCreated - ThirdParty created, ThirdPartyUpdated - ThirdParty updated, ThirdPartyDeleted - ThirdParty deleted, DocumentsThirdPartySettingsUpdated - Documents ThirdParty settings updated, DocumentsOverwritingSettingsUpdated - Documents overwriting settings updated, DocumentsUploadingFormatsSettingsUpdated - Documents uploading formats settings updated, UserFileUpdated - User file updated, FileConverted - File converted, FileSendAccessLink - File send access link, DocumentServiceLocationSetting - Document service location setting, AuthorizationKeysSetting - Authorization keys setting, FullTextSearchSetting - Full text search setting, StartTransferSetting - Start transfer setting, StartBackupSetting - Start backup setting, LicenseKeyUploaded - License key uploaded, FileChangeOwner - File change owner, FileRestoreVersion - File restore version, DocumentSendToSign - Document send to sign, DocumentSignComplete - Document sign complete, UserUpdatedEmail - User updated email, DocumentsStoreForcesave - Documents store forcesave, DocumentsForcesave - Documents forcesave, StartStorageEncryption - Start storage encryption, PrivacyRoomEnable - Privacy room enable, PrivacyRoomDisable - Privacy room disable, StartStorageDecryption - Start storage decryption, FileOpenedForChange - File opened for change, FileMarkedAsFavorite - File marked as favorite, FileRemovedFromFavorite - File removed from favorite, FolderDownloaded - Folder downloaded, FileRemovedFromList - File removed from list, FolderRemovedFromList - Folder removed from list, FileExternalLinkAccessUpdated - File external link access updated, TrashEmptied - Trash emptied, FileRevisionDownloaded - File revision downloaded, FileMarkedAsRead - File marked as read, FileReaded - File readed, FolderMarkedAsRead - Folder marked as read, FolderUpdatedAccessFor - Folder updated access for, FileUpdatedAccessFor - File updated access for, DocumentsExternalShareSettingsUpdated - Documents external share settings updated, RoomCreated - Room created, RoomRenamed - Room renamed, RoomArchived - Room archived, RoomUnarchived - Room unarchived, RoomDeleted - Room deleted, RoomUpdateAccessForUser - Room update access for user, TagCreated - Tag created, TagsDeleted - Tags deleted, AddedRoomTags - Added room tags, DeletedRoomTags - Deleted room tags, RoomLogoCreated - Room logo created, RoomLogoDeleted - Room logo deleted, RoomInvitationLinkUpdated - Room invitation link updated, DocumentsKeepNewFileNameSettingsUpdated - Documents keep new file name settings updated, RoomRemoveUser - Room remove user, RoomCreateUser - Room create user, RoomInvitationLinkCreated - Room invitation link created, RoomInvitationLinkDeleted - Room invitation link deleted, RoomExternalLinkCreated - Room external link created, RoomExternalLinkUpdated - Room external link updated, RoomExternalLinkDeleted - Room external link deleted, FileExternalLinkCreated - File external link created, FileExternalLinkUpdated - File external link updated, FileExternalLinkDeleted - File external link deleted, RoomGroupAdded - Room group added, RoomUpdateAccessForGroup - Room update access for group, RoomGroupRemove - Room group remove, RoomExternalLinkRevoked - Room external link revoked, RoomExternalLinkRenamed - Room external link renamed, FileUploadedWithOverwriting - File uploaded with overwriting, RoomCopied - Room copied, LanguageSettingsUpdated - Language settings updated, TimeZoneSettingsUpdated - Time zone settings updated, DnsSettingsUpdated - Dns settings updated, TrustedMailDomainSettingsUpdated - Trusted mail domain settings updated, PasswordStrengthSettingsUpdated - Password strength settings updated, TwoFactorAuthenticationSettingsUpdated - Two factor authentication settings updated, AdministratorMessageSettingsUpdated - Administrator message settings updated, DefaultStartPageSettingsUpdated - Default start page settings updated, ProductsListUpdated - Products list updated, AdministratorAdded - Administrator added, AdministratorOpenedFullAccess - Administrator opened full access, AdministratorDeleted - Administrator deleted, UsersOpenedProductAccess - Users opened product access, GroupsOpenedProductAccess - Groups opened product access, ProductAccessOpened - Product access opened, ProductAccessRestricted - Product access restricted, ProductAddedAdministrator - Product added administrator, ProductDeletedAdministrator - Product deleted administrator, GreetingSettingsUpdated - Greeting settings updated, TeamTemplateChanged - Team template changed, ColorThemeChanged - Color theme changed, OwnerSentChangeOwnerInstructions - Owner sent change owner instructions, OwnerUpdated - Owner updated, OwnerSentPortalDeactivationInstructions - Owner sent portal deactivation instructions, OwnerSentPortalDeleteInstructions - Owner sent portal delete instructions, PortalDeactivated - Portal deactivated, PortalDeleted - Portal deleted, LoginHistoryReportDownloaded - Login history report downloaded, AuditTrailReportDownloaded - Audit trail report downloaded, SSOEnabled - SSO enabled, SSODisabled - SSO disabled, PortalAccessSettingsUpdated - Portal access settings updated, CookieSettingsUpdated - Cookie settings updated, MailServiceSettingsUpdated - Mail service settings updated, CustomNavigationSettingsUpdated - Custom navigation settings updated, AuditSettingsUpdated - Audit settings updated, TwoFactorAuthenticationDisabled - Two factor authentication disabled, TwoFactorAuthenticationEnabledBySms - Two factor authentication enabled by sms, TwoFactorAuthenticationEnabledByTfaApp - Two factor authentication enabled by tfa app, PortalRenamed - Portal renamed, QuotaPerRoomChanged - Quota per room changed, QuotaPerRoomDisabled - Quota per room disabled, QuotaPerUserChanged - Quota per user changed, QuotaPerUserDisabled - Quota per user disabled, QuotaPerPortalChanged - Quota per portal changed, QuotaPerPortalDisabled - Quota per portal disabled, FormSubmit - Form submit, FormOpenedForFilling - Form opened for filling, CustomQuotaPerRoomDefault - Custom quota per room default, CustomQuotaPerRoomChanged - Custom quota per room changed, CustomQuotaPerRoomDisabled - Custom quota per room disabled, CustomQuotaPerUserDefault - Custom quota per user default, CustomQuotaPerUserChanged - Custom quota per user changed, CustomQuotaPerUserDisabled - Custom quota per user disabled, ContactAdminMailSent - Contact admin mail sent, RoomInviteLinkUsed - Room invite link used, UserCreatedAndAddedToRoom - User created and added to room, GuestCreatedAndAddedToRoom - Guest created and added to room, ContactSalesMailSent - Contact sales mail sent, None - None]
Can be one of:
.- .
enum of integer
[1000 - Login success, 1001 - Login success via social account, 1002 - Login fail invalid combination, 1003 - Login fail social account not found, 1004 - Login fail disabled profile, 1005 - Login fail, 1006 - Logout, 1007 - Login success via sms, 1008 - Login fail via sms, 1009 - Login fail ip security, 1010 - Login success via api, 1011 - Login success via social app, 1012 - Login success via api sms, 1013 - Login fail via api, 1014 - Login fail via api sms, 1015 - Login success via SSO, 1016 - Session started, 1017 - Session completed, 1018 - Login fail via SSO, 1019 - Login success via api social account, 1020 - Login fail via api social account, 1021 - Login succes via tfa app, 1022 - Login fail via Tfa app, 1023 - Login fail brute force, 1024 - Login success via api tfa, 1025 - Login fail via api tfa, 1026 - Login fail recaptcha, 4000 - User created, 4001 - Guest created, 4002 - User created via invite, 4003 - Guest created via invite, 4004 - User activated, 4005 - Guest activated, 4006 - User updated, 4007 - User updated language, 4008 - User added avatar, 4009 - User deleted avatar, 4010 - User updated avatar thumbnails, 4011 - User linked social account, 4012 - User unlinked social account, 4013 - User sent activation instructions, 4014 - User sent email change instructions, 4015 - User sent password change instructions, 4016 - User sent delete instructions, 4017 - User updated password, 4018 - User deleted, 4019 - Users updated type, 4020 - Users updated status, 4021 - Users sent activation instructions, 4022 - Users deleted, 4023 - Sent invite instructions, 4024 - User imported, 4025 - Guest imported, 4026 - Group created, 4027 - Group updated, 4028 - Group deleted, 4029 - User updated mobile number, 4030 - User data reassigns, 4031 - User data removing, 4032 - User connected tfa app, 4033 - User disconnected tfa app, 4034 - User logout active connections, 4035 - User logout active connection, 4036 - User logout active connections for user, 4037 - Send join invite, 5000 - File created, 5001 - File renamed, 5002 - File updated, 5003 - File created version, 5004 - File deleted version, 5005 - File updated revision comment, 5006 - File locked, 5007 - File unlocked, 5008 - File updated access, 5009 - File downloaded, 5010 - File downloaded as, 5011 - File uploaded, 5012 - File imported, 5013 - File copied, 5014 - File copied with overwriting, 5015 - File moved, 5016 - File moved with overwriting, 5017 - File moved to trash, 5018 - File deleted, 5019 - Folder created, 5020 - Folder renamed, 5021 - Folder updated access, 5022 - Folder copied, 5023 - Folder copied with overwriting, 5024 - Folder moved, 5025 - Folder moved with overwriting, 5026 - Folder moved to trash, 5027 - Folder deleted, 5028 - ThirdParty created, 5029 - ThirdParty updated, 5030 - ThirdParty deleted, 5031 - Documents ThirdParty settings updated, 5032 - Documents overwriting settings updated, 5033 - Documents uploading formats settings updated, 5034 - User file updated, 5035 - File converted, 5036 - File send access link, 5037 - Document service location setting, 5038 - Authorization keys setting, 5039 - Full text search setting, 5040 - Start transfer setting, 5041 - Start backup setting, 5042 - License key uploaded, 5043 - File change owner, 5044 - File restore version, 5045 - Document send to sign, 5046 - Document sign complete, 5047 - User updated email, 5048 - Documents store forcesave, 5049 - Documents forcesave, 5050 - Start storage encryption, 5051 - Privacy room enable, 5052 - Privacy room disable, 5053 - Start storage decryption, 5054 - File opened for change, 5055 - File marked as favorite, 5056 - File removed from favorite, 5057 - Folder downloaded, 5058 - File removed from list, 5059 - Folder removed from list, 5060 - File external link access updated, 5061 - Trash emptied, 5062 - File revision downloaded, 5063 - File marked as read, 5064 - File readed, 5065 - Folder marked as read, 5066 - Folder updated access for, 5068 - File updated access for, 5069 - Documents external share settings updated, 5070 - Room created, 5071 - Room renamed, 5072 - Room archived, 5073 - Room unarchived, 5074 - Room deleted, 5075 - Room update access for user, 5076 - Tag created, 5077 - Tags deleted, 5078 - Added room tags, 5079 - Deleted room tags, 5080 - Room logo created, 5081 - Room logo deleted, 5082 - Room invitation link updated, 5083 - Documents keep new file name settings updated, 5084 - Room remove user, 5085 - Room create user, 5086 - Room invitation link created, 5087 - Room invitation link deleted, 5088 - Room external link created, 5089 - Room external link updated, 5090 - Room external link deleted, 5091 - File external link created, 5092 - File external link updated, 5093 - File external link deleted, 5094 - Room group added, 5095 - Room update access for group, 5096 - Room group remove, 5097 - Room external link revoked, 5098 - Room external link renamed, 5099 - File uploaded with overwriting, 5100 - Room copied, 6000 - Language settings updated, 6001 - Time zone settings updated, 6002 - Dns settings updated, 6003 - Trusted mail domain settings updated, 6004 - Password strength settings updated, 6005 - Two factor authentication settings updated, 6006 - Administrator message settings updated, 6007 - Default start page settings updated, 6008 - Products list updated, 6009 - Administrator added, 6010 - Administrator opened full access, 6011 - Administrator deleted, 6012 - Users opened product access, 6013 - Groups opened product access, 6014 - Product access opened, 6015 - Product access restricted, 6016 - Product added administrator, 6017 - Product deleted administrator, 6018 - Greeting settings updated, 6019 - Team template changed, 6020 - Color theme changed, 6021 - Owner sent change owner instructions, 6022 - Owner updated, 6023 - Owner sent portal deactivation instructions, 6024 - Owner sent portal delete instructions, 6025 - Portal deactivated, 6026 - Portal deleted, 6027 - Login history report downloaded, 6028 - Audit trail report downloaded, 6029 - SSO enabled, 6030 - SSO disabled, 6031 - Portal access settings updated, 6032 - Cookie settings updated, 6033 - Mail service settings updated, 6034 - Custom navigation settings updated, 6035 - Audit settings updated, 6036 - Two factor authentication disabled, 6037 - Two factor authentication enabled by sms, 6038 - Two factor authentication enabled by tfa app, 6039 - Portal renamed, 6040 - Quota per room changed, 6041 - Quota per room disabled, 6042 - Quota per user changed, 6043 - Quota per user disabled, 6044 - Quota per portal changed, 6045 - Quota per portal disabled, 6046 - Form submit, 6047 - Form opened for filling, 6048 - Custom quota per room default, 6049 - Custom quota per room changed, 6050 - Custom quota per room disabled, 6051 - Custom quota per user default, 6052 - Custom quota per user changed, 6053 - Custom quota per user disabled, 7000 - Contact admin mail sent, 7001 - Room invite link used, 7002 - User created and added to room, 7003 - Guest created and added to room, 7004 - Contact sales mail sent, -1 - None]
Can be one of:
- key
- initiator
- id
uuid - displayName
- title
- avatar
- avatarOriginal
- avatarMax
- avatarMedium
- avatarSmall
- profileUrl
- hasAvatar
- isAnonim
- date
- utcTime
date-time - timeZoneOffset
- data
- initiatorName
- related
array of unknown