class Api
Base class.
Instance Methods
- OpenFile
(binaryFile, fields)
Opens a file with fields.
- GetFields
(): string[]
Returns all fields as a text.
- InsertAndReplaceContentControls
(arrDocuments): ContentControlProperties[]
- RemoveContentControls
Removes several content controls.
- GetAllContentControls
(): ContentControl[]
Returns information about all the content controls that have been added to the page.
- RemoveContentControl
(InternalId): ContentControlParentPr
- GetCurrentContentControl
(): string
Returns an identifier of the selected content control (i.e. the content control where the mouse cursor is currently positioned).
- GetCurrentContentControlPr
(contentFormat): ContentControlProperties
Returns the current content control properties.
- SelectContentControl
Selects the specified content control.
- MoveCursorToContentControl
(id, isBegin)
Moves a cursor to the specified content control.
- RemoveSelectedContent
Removes the selected content from the document.
- AddComment
(oCommentData): string | "null"
Adds a comment to the document.
- MoveCursorToStart
- MoveCursorToEnd
- SearchAndReplace
(oProperties, oProperties.searchString, oProperties.replaceString, oProperties.matchCase)
Finds and replaces the text.
- SearchNext
(oProperties, oProperties.searchString, oProperties.matchCase, isForward): boolean
Finds and selects the next occurrence of the text starting at the current position.
- GetFileHTML
(): string
Returns file content in the HTML format.
- GetAllComments
(): comment[]
Returns all the comments from the document.
- RemoveComments
Removes the specified comments.
- ChangeComment
(sId, oCommentData)
Changes the specified comment.
- MoveToComment
Moves a cursor to the specified comment.
- SetDisplayModeInReview
Sets the display mode for track changes.
- AddContentControl
(type, commonPr): ContentControl
Adds an empty content control to the document.
- AddContentControlCheckBox
(checkBoxPr, commonPr)
Adds an empty content control checkbox to the document.
- AddContentControlPicture
Adds an empty content control picture to the document.
- AddContentControlList
(type, List, commonPr)
Adds an empty content control list to the document.
- AddContentControlDatePicker
(datePickerPr, commonPr)
Adds an empty content control datepicker to the document.
- GetAllOleObjects
(sPluginId): OLEObjectData[]
- RemoveOleObject
Removes the OLE object from the document by its internal ID.
- RemoveOleObjects
Removes several OLE objects from the document by their internal IDs.
- SelectOleObject
Selects the specified OLE object.
- InsertOleObject
(NewObject, bSelect)
Inserts the OLE object at the current document position.
- ChangeOleObject
Changes the OLE object with the InternalId specified in OLE object data.
- ChangeOleObjects
Changes multiple OLE objects with the InternalIds specified in OLE object data.
- AcceptReviewChanges
Accepts review changes.
- RejectReviewChanges
Rejects review changes.
- MoveToNextReviewChange
Navigates through the review changes.
- GetAllAddinFields
(): AddinFieldData[]
Returns all addin fields from the current document.
- UpdateAddinFields
Updates the addin fields with the specified data.
- AddAddinField
Creates a new addin field with the data specified in the request.
- RemoveFieldWrapper
Removes a field wrapper, leaving only the field content.
- SetEditingRestrictions
Sets the document editing restrictions.
- GetCurrentWord
(type): string
Returns the current word.
- ReplaceCurrentWord
(replaceString, type)
Replaces the current word with the specified string.
- GetCurrentSentence
(type): string
Returns the current sentence.
- ReplaceCurrentSentence
(replaceString, type)
Replaces the current sentence with the specified string.
- Undo
Undo the user's last action.
- Redo
Revert the user's last undone action.
- CanUndo
Check if it possible to undo the user's last action.
- CanRedo
Check if it possible to revert the user's last undone action.
- GetAllForms
(): ContentControl[]
Returns information about all the forms that have been added to the document.
- GetFormsByTag
(tag): ContentControl[]
Returns information about all the forms that have been added to the document with specified tag.
- SetFormValue
(internalId, value)
Sets a value to the specified form.
- GetFormValue
(internalId): "null" | string | boolean
Returns a value of the specified form.