An object containing the font information.
Name | Type | Description |
m_aPanose | number[] | The PANOSE Typeface Classification Number, a compact 10-byte description of the font critical visual characteristics, such as contrast, weight, and serif style. |
m_bBold | boolean | Specifies if the font characters are bold or not. |
m_bIsFixed | boolean | Specifies if the current font is monospaced or not. |
m_bItalic | boolean | Specifies if the font characters are italic or not. |
m_eFontFormat | number | The specific file type(s) used to store font data: -0 - *.fon, -1 - *.ttf, -2 - *.ttf, *.otf (CFF), -3 - unknown font format. |
m_lIndex | number | The font number in the file if there is more than one font in the file. |
m_sFamilyClass | number | The font family class which values are assigned by IBM to each font family. |
m_shAscent | number | The height above the baseline for a clipping region. |
m_shAvgCharWidth | number | The arithmetic average of the escapement (width) of all non-zero width glyphs in the font. |
m_shCapHeight | number | The distance between the baseline and the approximate height of uppercase letters measured in FUnits. |
m_shDescent | number | The vertical extent below the baseline for a clipping region. |
m_shLineGap | number | The typographic line gap for the current font. |
m_shXHeight | number | The distance between the baseline and the approximate height of non-ascending lowercase letters measured in FUnits. |
m_ulCodePageRange1 | number | The code pages encompassed by the font file (Bits 0-31). |
m_ulCodePageRange2 | number | The code pages encompassed by the font file (Bits 32-63). |
m_ulUnicodeRange1 | number | The Unicode range encompassed by the font file (Bits 0-31). |
m_ulUnicodeRange2 | number | The Unicode range encompassed by the font file (Bits 32-63). |
m_ulUnicodeRange3 | number | The Unicode range encompassed by the font file (Bits 64-95). |
m_ulUnicodeRange4 | number | The Unicode range encompassed by the font file (Bits 96-127). |
m_usWeigth | number | The visual weight (stroke blackness or thickness) of the font characters (1-1000). |
m_usWidth | number | The relative change from the normal aspect ratio (width to height ratio). |
m_wsFontName | string | The font name. |
m_wsFontPath | string | The path to the file with the current font. |
let fontInfo = {
"m_wsFontName": "Open Sans",
"m_wsFontPath": "OpenSans-Bold.ttf",
"m_lIndex": 0,
"m_bBold": true,
"m_bItalic": false,
"m_bIsFixed": false,
"m_aPanose": [2, 11, 8, 6, 3, 5, 4, 2, 2, 4],
"m_ulUnicodeRange1": 3758097135,
"m_ulUnicodeRange2": 1073750107,
"m_ulUnicodeRange3": 40,
"m_ulUnicodeRange4": 0,
"m_ulCodePageRange1": 536871327,
"m_ulCodePageRange2": 0,
"m_usWeigth": 700,
"m_usWidth": 5,
"m_sFamilyClass": 2050,
"m_eFontFormat": 1,
"m_shAvgCharWidth": 632,
"m_shAscent": 765,
"m_shDescent": -240,
"m_shLineGap": 64,
"m_shXHeight": 545,
"m_shCapHeight": 713