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Represents the Api class.


AddOleObjectNoneAdds an OLE object to the current document position.
CoAuthoringChatSendMessageNoneSends a message to the co-authoring chat.
ConvertDocumentstringConverts a document to Markdown or HTML text.
EditOleObjectNoneEdits an OLE object in the document.
EndActionNoneSpecifies the end action for long operations.
GetAllFormsContentControl[]Returns information about all the forms that have been added to the document.
GetDocumentLangstringReturns the document language.
GetFileToDownloadstringReturns the current file to download in the specified format.
GetFontListFontInfo[]Returns the fonts list.
GetFormValuenull | string | booleanReturns a value of the specified form.
GetFormsByTagContentControl[]Returns information about all the forms that have been added to the document with specified tag.
GetImageDataFromSelectionImageDataReturns the image data from the first of the selected drawings. If there are no drawings selected, the method returns a white rectangle.
GetInstalledPluginsPluginData[]Returns all the installed plugins.
GetMacrosMacrosReturns the document macros.
GetSelectedContentstringReturns the selected content in the specified format.
GetSelectedOleObjectsOLEProperties[]Returns an array of the selected OLE objects.
GetSelectedTextstringReturns the selected text from the document.
GetSelectionTypeSelectionTypeReturns the type of the current selection.
GetVBAMacrosstring | nullReturns all VBA macros from the document.
GetVersionstringReturns the editor version.
InputTextNoneInserts text into the document.
InstallPluginobjectInstalls a plugin using the specified plugin config.
MouseMoveWindowNoneSends an event to the plugin when the mouse button is moved inside the plugin iframe.
MouseUpWindowNoneSends an event to the plugin when the mouse button is released inside the plugin iframe.
OnDropEventNoneImplements the external drag&drop emulation.
OnEncryptionNoneEncrypts the document.
PasteHtmlNonePastes text in the HTML format into the document.
PasteTextNonePastes text into the document.
PutImageDataToSelectionNoneReplaces the first selected drawing with the image specified in the parameters.\ If there are no drawings selected, the method inserts the image at the current position.
RemovePluginobjectRemoves a plugin with the specified GUID.
ReplaceTextSmartbooleanReplaces each paragraph (or text in cell) in the select with the corresponding text from an array of strings.
SetFormValueNoneSets a value to the specified form.
SetMacrosNoneSets macros to the document.
SetPluginsOptionsNoneConfigures plugins from an external source. The settings can be set for all plugins or for a specific plugin.\ For example, this method can be used to pass an authorization token to the plugin. This method can be used only with the connector class.
SetPropertiesNoneSets the properties to the document.
ShowButtonNoneShows or hides buttons in the header.
ShowErrorNoneShows an error/warning message.
ShowInputHelperNoneShows the input helper.
StartActionNoneSpecifies the start action for long operations.
UnShowInputHelperNoneUnshows the input helper.
UpdatePluginobjectUpdates a plugin using the specified plugin config.