Represents the Api class.
Method | Returns | Description |
AddOleObject | None | Adds an OLE object to the current document position. |
CoAuthoringChatSendMessage | None | Sends a message to the co-authoring chat. |
ConvertDocument | string | Converts a document to Markdown or HTML text. |
EditOleObject | None | Edits an OLE object in the document. |
EndAction | None | Specifies the end action for long operations. |
GetAllForms | ContentControl[] | Returns information about all the forms that have been added to the document. |
GetDocumentLang | string | Returns the document language. |
GetFileToDownload | string | Returns the current file to download in the specified format. |
GetFontList | FontInfo[] | Returns the fonts list. |
GetFormValue | null | string | boolean | Returns a value of the specified form. |
GetFormsByTag | ContentControl[] | Returns information about all the forms that have been added to the document with specified tag. |
GetImageDataFromSelection | ImageData | Returns the image data from the first of the selected drawings. If there are no drawings selected, the method returns a white rectangle. |
GetInstalledPlugins | PluginData[] | Returns all the installed plugins. |
GetMacros | Macros | Returns the document macros. |
GetSelectedContent | string | Returns the selected content in the specified format. |
GetSelectedOleObjects | OLEProperties[] | Returns an array of the selected OLE objects. |
GetSelectedText | string | Returns the selected text from the document. |
GetSelectionType | SelectionType | Returns the type of the current selection. |
GetVBAMacros | string | null | Returns all VBA macros from the document. |
GetVersion | string | Returns the editor version. |
InputText | None | Inserts text into the document. |
InstallPlugin | object | Installs a plugin using the specified plugin config. |
MouseMoveWindow | None | Sends an event to the plugin when the mouse button is moved inside the plugin iframe. |
MouseUpWindow | None | Sends an event to the plugin when the mouse button is released inside the plugin iframe. |
OnDropEvent | None | Implements the external drag&drop emulation. |
OnEncryption | None | Encrypts the document. |
PasteHtml | None | Pastes text in the HTML format into the document. |
PasteText | None | Pastes text into the document. |
PutImageDataToSelection | None | Replaces the first selected drawing with the image specified in the parameters.\ If there are no drawings selected, the method inserts the image at the current position. |
RemovePlugin | object | Removes a plugin with the specified GUID. |
ReplaceTextSmart | boolean | Replaces each paragraph (or text in cell) in the select with the corresponding text from an array of strings. |
SetFormValue | None | Sets a value to the specified form. |
SetMacros | None | Sets macros to the document. |
SetPluginsOptions | None | Configures plugins from an external source. The settings can be set for all plugins or for a specific plugin.\ For example, this method can be used to pass an authorization token to the plugin. This method can be used only with the connector class. |
SetProperties | None | Sets the properties to the document. |
ShowButton | None | Shows or hides buttons in the header. |
ShowError | None | Shows an error/warning message. |
ShowInputHelper | None | Shows the input helper. |
StartAction | None | Specifies the start action for long operations. |
UnShowInputHelper | None | Unshows the input helper. |
UpdatePlugin | object | Updates a plugin using the specified plugin config. |