class Plugin
Instance Methods
- executeMethod
(name, params, callback): boolean
Defines the method used to execute certain editor methods using the plugin.
- resizeWindow
(width, height, minW, minH, maxW, maxH)
- callCommand
(func, isClose, isCalc, callback)
- callModule
(url, callback, isClose)
Defines the method used to execute a remotely located script following a link.
- loadModule
(url, callback)
Defines the method used to load a remotely located text resource.
- attachEvent
(id, action)
- attachContextMenuClickEvent
(id, action)
Defines the method to add an event listener, a function that will be called whenever the specified event is clicked in the context menu.
- createInputHelper
- getInputHelper
(): InputHelper
Defines the method used to get the {@link inputhelper InputHelper object}.
- sendToPlugin
(name, data): boolean
Sends a message from the modal window to the plugin.
- init
- button
- onTargetPositionChanged
The function called when the target position in the editor is changed.
- onDocumentContentReady
The function called when the document is completely loaded.
- onClick
The function called when the user clicks on the element.
- inputHelper_onSelectItem
The function called when the user is trying to select an item from the input helper.
- onInputHelperClear
The function called when the user is trying to clear the text and the input helper disappears.
- onInputHelperInput
The function called when the user is trying to input the text and the input helper appears.
- onTranslate
The function called right after the plugin startup or later in case the plugin language is changed.
- onEnableMouseEvent
The function called to turn the mouse or touchpad events on/off.
- onExternalMouseUp
The function called when the mouse button is released outside the plugin iframe.
- onExternalPluginMessage
The function called to show the editor integrator message.
- onFocusContentControl
The function called to show which content control has been focused.
- onBlurContentControl
The function called to show which content control has been blurred.
- onChangeContentControl
The function called to show which content control has been changed.
- onContextMenuShow
The function called when the context menu has been shown.
- onContextMenuClick
The function called when the context menu item has been clicked.
- onToolbarMenuClick
The function called when the toolbar menu item has been clicked.
- onCommandCallback
- onMethodReturn
- onAddComment
The function called when a comment is added to the document with the {@link /plugin/executeMethod/text/addcomment AddComment} method.
- onChangeCommentData
The function called when the specified comment is changed with the {@link /plugin/executeMethod/text/changecomment ChangeComment} method.
- onRemoveComment
The function called when the specified comment is removed with the {@link /plugin/executeMethod/text/removecomments RemoveComments} method.