class Api
Base class
Instance Methods
- GetVersion
(): string
Returns the editor version.
- AddOleObject
Adds an OLE object to the current document position.
- EditOleObject
Edits an OLE object in the document.
- GetSelectedOleObjects
(): OLEProperties[]
Returns an array of the selected OLE objects.
- GetFontList
(): FontInfo[]
Returns the fonts list.
- InputText
(text, textReplace)
Inserts text into the document.
- PasteHtml
Pastes text in the HTML format into the document.
- PasteText
Pastes text into the document.
- GetMacros
(): Macros
Returns the document macros.
- SetMacros
Sets macros to the document.
- GetVBAMacros
(): string | "null"
Returns all VBA macros from the document.
- StartAction
(type, description)
Specifies the start action for long operations.
- EndAction
(type, description, status)
Specifies the end action for long operations.
- OnEncryption
(obj, obj.type, obj.password, obj.data, obj.check, obj.docinfo, obj.hash, obj.error)
Encrypts the document.
- SetProperties
(obj, obj.copyoutenabled, obj.hideContentControlTrack, obj.watermark_on_draw, obj.disableAutostartMacros, obj.fillForms)
Sets the properties to the document.
- SetPluginsOptions
- ShowInputHelper
(guid, w, h, isKeyboardTake)
Shows the input helper.
- UnShowInputHelper
(guid, isclear)
Unshows the input helper.
- CoAuthoringChatSendMessage
Sends a message to the co-authoring chat.
- GetSelectionType
(): SelectionType
Returns the type of the current selection.
- ConvertDocument
(sConvertType, bHtmlHeadings, bBase64img, bDemoteHeadings, bRenderHTMLTags): string
Converts a document to Markdown or HTML text.
- GetSelectedText
(prop, prop.NewLine, prop.NewLineParagraph, prop.Numbering, prop.Math, prop.TableCellSeparator, prop.TableRowSeparator, prop.ParaSeparator, prop.TabSymbol, prop.NewLineSeparator): string
Returns the selected text from the document.
- ReplaceTextSmart
(arrString, sParaTab, sParaNewLine): boolean
Replaces each paragraph (or text in cell) in the select with the corresponding text from an array of strings.
- GetFileToDownload
(format): string
Returns the current file to download in the specified format.
- GetImageDataFromSelection
(): ImageData
- PutImageDataToSelection
- GetInstalledPlugins
(): PluginData[]
Returns all the installed plugins.
- RemovePlugin
(guid, backup): object
Removes a plugin with the specified GUID.
- InstallPlugin
(config): object
Installs a plugin by the URL to the plugin config.
- UpdatePlugin
(config): object
Updates a plugin by the URL to the plugin config.
- InstallDeveloperPlugin
(configUrl): boolean
Installs a plugin by the URL to the plugin config.
- ShowButton
(id, bShow, align)
Shows or hides buttons in the header.
- OnDropEvent
(obj, obj.type, obj.x, obj.y, obj.html, obj.text)
Implements the external drag&drop emulation.
- GetDocumentLang
(): string
Returns the document language.
- AddContextMenuItem
Adds an item to the context menu.
- UpdateContextMenuItem
Updates an item in the context menu with the specified items.
- AddToolbarMenuItem
Adds an item to the toolbar menu.
- ShowWindow
(frameId, variation)
Shows the plugin modal window.
- ActivateWindow
Activates (moves forward) the plugin window/panel.
- CloseWindow
Closes the plugin modal window.
- SendToWindow
(windowID, name, data)
Sends a message to the plugin modal window.
- ResizeWindow
(frameId, size, minSize, maxSize)
Resizes the plugin modal window.
- MouseUpWindow
(frameId, x, y)
Sends an event to the plugin when the mouse button is released inside the plugin iframe.
- MouseMoveWindow
(frameId, x, y)
Sends an event to the plugin when the mouse button is moved inside the plugin iframe.