class ApiTextPr
Class representing the text properties.
Instance Methods
- GetClassType
(): textPr
Returns a type of the ApiTextPr class.
- SetStyle
(oStyle): ApiTextPr
- GetStyle
(): ApiStyle
Gets the style of the current text properties.
- SetBold
(isBold): ApiTextPr
Sets the bold property to the text character.
- GetBold
(): boolean
Gets the bold property from the current text properties.
- SetItalic
(isItalic): ApiTextPr
Sets the italic property to the text character.
- GetItalic
(): boolean
Gets the italic property from the current text properties.
- SetStrikeout
(isStrikeout): ApiTextPr
Specifies that the contents of the run are displayed with a single horizontal line through the center of the line.
- GetStrikeout
(): boolean
Gets the strikeout property from the current text properties.
- SetUnderline
(isUnderline): ApiTextPr
Specifies that the contents of the run are displayed along with a line appearing directly below the character (less than all the spacing above and below the characters on the line).
- GetUnderline
(): boolean
Gets the underline property from the current text properties.
- SetFontFamily
(sFontFamily): ApiTextPr
Sets all 4 font slots with the specified font family.
- GetFontFamily
(): string
Gets the font family from the current text properties.
- SetFontSize
(nSize): ApiTextPr
Sets the font size to the characters of the current text run.
- GetFontSize
(): hps
Gets the font size from the current text properties.
- SetColor
(r, g, b, isAuto): ApiTextPr
Sets the text color to the current text run in the RGB format.
- GetColor
(): ApiRGBColor
Gets the RGB color from the current text properties.
- SetVertAlign
(sType): ApiTextPr
Specifies the alignment which will be applied to the contents of the run in relation to the default appearance of the run text: "baseline" .
- GetVertAlign
(): string
Gets the vertical alignment type from the current text properties.
- SetHighlight
(sColor): ApiTextPr
Specifies a highlighting color which is added to the text properties and applied as a background to the contents of the current run/range/paragraph.
- GetHighlight
(): string
Gets the highlight property from the current text properties.
- SetSpacing
(nSpacing): ApiTextPr
Sets the text spacing measured in twentieths of a point.
- GetSpacing
(): twips
Gets the text spacing from the current text properties measured in twentieths of a point.
- SetDoubleStrikeout
(isDoubleStrikeout): ApiTextPr
Specifies that the contents of the run are displayed with two horizontal lines through each character displayed on the line.
- GetDoubleStrikeout
(): boolean
Gets the double strikeout property from the current text properties.
- SetCaps
(isCaps): ApiTextPr
Specifies that any lowercase characters in the text run are formatted for display only as their capital letter character equivalents.
- GetCaps
(): boolean
Specifies whether the text with the current text properties are capitalized.
- SetSmallCaps
(isSmallCaps): ApiTextPr
Specifies that all the small letter characters in the text run are formatted for display only as their capital letter character equivalents which are two points smaller than the actual font size specified for this text.
- GetSmallCaps
(): boolean
Specifies whether the text with the current text properties are displayed capitalized two points smaller than the actual font size.
- SetPosition
(nPosition): ApiTextPr
Specifies an amount by which text is raised or lowered for this run in relation to the default baseline of the surrounding non-positioned text.
- GetPosition
(): hps
Gets the text position from the current text properties measured in half-points (1/144 of an inch).
- SetLanguage
(sLangId): ApiTextPr
Specifies the languages which will be used to check spelling and grammar (if requested) when processing the contents of the text run.
- GetLanguage
(): string
Gets the language from the current text properties.
- SetShd
(sType, r, g, b): ApiTextPr
Specifies the shading applied to the contents of the current text run.
- GetShd
(): ApiRGBColor
Gets the text shading from the current text properties.
- SetTextFill
(oApiFill): ApiTextPr
Sets the text fill to the current text run.
- GetTextFill
(): ApiFill
Gets the text fill from the current text properties.
- SetOutLine
(oStroke): ApiTextPr
Sets the text outline to the current text run.
- GetOutLine
(): ApiStroke
Gets the text outline from the current text properties.
(bWriteStyles): JSON
Converts the ApiTextPr object into the JSON object.