class ApiTableRow extends ApiTableRowPr
Class representing a table row.
Instance Methods
- GetClassType
(): tableRow
Returns a type of the ApiTableRow class.
- GetCellsCount
(): number
Returns a number of cells in the current row.
- GetCell
(nPos): ApiTableCell
Returns a cell by its position.
- GetIndex
(): Number
Returns the current row index.
- GetParentTable
(): ApiTable | "null"
Returns the parent table of the current row.
- GetNext
(): ApiTableRow | "null"
Returns the next row if exists.
- GetPrevious
(): ApiTableRow | "null"
Returns the previous row if exists.
- AddRows
(nCount, isBefore): ApiTable | "null"
Adds the new rows to the current table.
- MergeCells
(): ApiTableCell | "null"
Merges the cells in the current row.
- Clear
(): boolean
Clears the content from the current row.
- Remove
(): boolean
Removes the current table row.
- SetTextPr
(oTextPr): boolean
Sets the text properties to the current row.
- Search
(sText, isMatchCase): ApiRange[]
- SetBackgroundColor
(r, g, b, bNone): boolean
Sets the background color to all cells in the current table row.
- SetHeight
(sHRule, nValue)
Sets the height to the current table row within the current table.
- SetTableHeader
Converts the ApiTableRowPr object into the JSON object.
- ApiTableRowPr
Class representing the table row properties.