
class ApiTableRow extends ApiTableRowPr


Class representing a table row.

Instance Methods

GetClassType(): tableRow

Returns a type of the ApiTableRow class.

GetCellsCount(): number

Returns a number of cells in the current row.

GetCell(nPos): ApiTableCell

Returns a cell by its position.

GetIndex(): Number

Returns the current row index.

GetParentTable(): ApiTable | "null"

Returns the parent table of the current row.

GetNext(): ApiTableRow | "null"

Returns the next row if exists.

GetPrevious(): ApiTableRow | "null"

Returns the previous row if exists.

AddRows(nCount, isBefore): ApiTable | "null"

Adds the new rows to the current table.

MergeCells(): ApiTableCell | "null"

Merges the cells in the current row.

Clear(): boolean

Clears the content from the current row.

Remove(): boolean

Removes the current table row.

SetTextPr(oTextPr): boolean

Sets the text properties to the current row.

Search(sText, isMatchCase): ApiRange[]


SetBackgroundColor(r, g, b, bNone): boolean

Sets the background color to all cells in the current table row.

SetHeight(sHRule, nValue)

Sets the height to the current table row within the current table.




Converts the ApiTableRowPr object into the JSON object.



Class representing the table row properties.

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