
class ApiStyle


Class representing a style.

Instance Methods

GetClassType(): style

Returns a type of the ApiStyle class.

GetName(): string

Returns a name of the current style.


Sets a name of the current style.

GetType(): StyleType

Returns a type of the current style.

GetTextPr(): ApiTextPr

Returns the text properties of the current style.

GetParaPr(): ApiParaPr

Returns the paragraph properties of the current style.

GetTablePr(): ApiTablePr

Returns the table properties of the current style.

GetTableRowPr(): ApiTableRowPr

Returns the table row properties of the current style.

GetTableCellPr(): ApiTableCellPr

Returns the table cell properties of the current style.


Specifies the reference to the parent style which this style inherits from in the style hierarchy.

GetConditionalTableStyle(sType): ApiTableStylePr

Returns a set of formatting properties which will be conditionally applied to the parts of a table that match the requirement specified in the sType parameter.

ToJSON(bWriteNumberings): JSON

Converts the ApiStyle object into the JSON object.

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