class ApiSection
Class representing a document section.
Instance Methods
- GetClassType
(): section
Returns a type of the ApiSection class.
- SetType
- GetType
(): nextPage | oddPage | evenPage | continuous | nextColumn
Returns the section type.
- SetEqualColumns
(nCount, nSpace)
Specifies that all the text columns in the current section are of equal width.
- SetNotEqualColumns
(aWidths, aSpaces)
- SetPageSize
(nWidth, nHeight, isPortrait)
Specifies the properties (size and orientation) for all the pages in the current section.
- GetPageHeight
(): twips
Gets page height for current section.
- GetPageWidth
(): twips
Gets page width for current section.
- SetPageMargins
(nLeft, nTop, nRight, nBottom)
Specifies the page margins for all the pages in this section.
- SetHeaderDistance
Specifies the distance from the top edge of the page to the top edge of the header.
- SetFooterDistance
Specifies the distance from the bottom edge of the page to the bottom edge of the footer.
- GetHeader
(sType, isCreate): ApiDocumentContent
Returns the content for the specified header type.
- RemoveHeader
- GetFooter
(sType, isCreate): ApiDocumentContent
Returns the content for the specified footer type.
- RemoveFooter
- SetTitlePage
Specifies whether the current section in this document has the different header and footer for the section first page.
- GetNext
(): ApiSection | "null"
Returns the next section if exists.
- GetPrevious
(): ApiSection | "null"
Returns the previous section if exists.
(bWriteNumberings, bWriteStyles): JSON
Converts the ApiSection object into the JSON object.