
class ApiParaPr


Class representing the paragraph properties.

Instance Methods

GetClassType(): paraPr

Returns a type of the ApiParaPr class.



GetStyle(): ApiStyle

Returns the paragraph style method.


Specifies that any space before or after this paragraph set using the {@link ApiParaPr#SetSpacingBefore} or {@link ApiParaPr#SetSpacingAfter} spacing element, should not be applied when the preceding and following paragraphs are of the same paragraph style, affecting the top and bottom spacing respectively.


Sets the paragraph left side indentation.

GetIndLeft(): twips | "undefined"

Returns the paragraph left side indentation.


Sets the paragraph right side indentation.

GetIndRight(): twips | "undefined"

Returns the paragraph right side indentation.


Sets the paragraph first line indentation.

GetIndFirstLine(): twips | "undefined"

Returns the paragraph first line indentation.


Sets the paragraph contents justification.

GetJc(): left | right | both | center | "undefined"

Returns the paragraph contents justification.


Specifies that when rendering the document using a page view, all lines of the current paragraph are maintained on a single page whenever possible.


Specifies that when rendering the document using a paginated view, the contents of the current paragraph are at least partly rendered on the same page as the following paragraph whenever possible.


Specifies that when rendering the document using a paginated view, the contents of the current paragraph are rendered at the beginning of a new page in the document.

SetSpacingLine(nLine, sLineRule)


GetSpacingLineValue(): twips | line240 | "undefined"

Returns the paragraph line spacing value.

GetSpacingLineRule(): auto | atLeast | exact | "undefined"

Returns the paragraph line spacing rule.

SetSpacingBefore(nBefore, isBeforeAuto)


GetSpacingBefore(): twips

Returns the spacing before value of the current paragraph.

SetSpacingAfter(nAfter, isAfterAuto)


GetSpacingAfter(): twips

Returns the spacing after value of the current paragraph.

SetShd(sType, r, g, b, isAuto)

Specifies the shading applied to the contents of the paragraph.

GetShd(): ApiRGBColor

Returns the shading applied to the contents of the paragraph.

SetBottomBorder(sType, nSize, nSpace, r, g, b)


SetLeftBorder(sType, nSize, nSpace, r, g, b)

Specifies the border which will be displayed at the left side of the page around the specified paragraph.

SetRightBorder(sType, nSize, nSpace, r, g, b)

Specifies the border which will be displayed at the right side of the page around the specified paragraph.

SetTopBorder(sType, nSize, nSpace, r, g, b)


SetBetweenBorder(sType, nSize, nSpace, r, g, b)

Specifies the border which will be displayed between each paragraph in a set of paragraphs which have the same set of paragraph border settings.


Specifies whether a single line of the current paragraph will be displayed on a separate page from the remaining content at display time by moving the line onto the following page.

SetTabs(aPos, aVal)


SetNumPr(oNumPr, nLvl)

Specifies that the current paragraph references a numbering definition instance in the current document.

SetOutlineLvl(nLvl): boolean

Sets the outline level for the specified properties.

GetOutlineLvl(): Number

Gets the outline level of the specified properties.

ToJSON(bWriteStyles): JSON

Converts the ApiParaPr object into the JSON object.

Extends By


Class representing a paragraph.

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