
class ApiNumberingLevel


Class representing a reference to a specified level of the numbering.

Instance Methods

GetClassType(): numberingLevel

Returns a type of the ApiNumberingLevel class.

GetNumbering(): ApiNumbering

Returns the numbering definition.

GetLevelIndex(): number

Returns the level index.

GetTextPr(): ApiTextPr

Specifies the text properties which will be applied to the text in the current numbering level itself, not to the text in the subsequent paragraph.

GetParaPr(): ApiParaPr

Returns the paragraph properties which are applied to any numbered paragraph that references the given numbering definition and numbering level.

SetTemplateType(sType, sSymbol)

Sets one of the existing predefined numbering templates.

SetCustomType(sType, sTextFormatString, sAlign)

Sets your own customized numbering type.


Specifies a one-based index which determines when a numbering level should restart to its starting value.


Specifies the starting value for the numbering used by the parent numbering level within a given numbering level definition.


Specifies the content which will be added between the given numbering level text and the text of every numbered paragraph which references that numbering level.

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