class ApiInlineLvlSdt
Class representing a container for the paragraph elements.
Instance Methods
- GetClassType
(): inlineLvlSdt
Returns a type of the ApiInlineLvlSdt class.
- SetLock
Sets the lock to the current inline text content control: "contentLocked" .
- GetLock
(): SdtLock
Returns the lock type of the current container.
- SetTag
Adds a string tag to the current inline text content control.
- GetTag
(): string
Returns the tag attribute for the current container.
- SetLabel
Adds a string label to the current inline text content control.
- GetLabel
(): string
Returns the label attribute for the current container.
- SetAlias
Sets the alias attribute to the current container.
- GetAlias
(): string
Returns the alias attribute for the current container.
- GetElementsCount
(): number
- GetElement
(nPos): ParagraphContent
Returns an element of the current inline text content control using the position specified.
- RemoveElement
(nPos): boolean
Removes an element using the position specified from the current inline text content control.
- RemoveAllElements
(): boolean
Removes all the elements from the current inline text content control.
- AddElement
(oElement, nPos): boolean
Adds an element to the inline text content control.
- Push
(oElement): boolean
Adds an element to the end of inline text content control.
- AddText
(sText): boolean
Adds text to the current content control.
- Delete
(keepContent): boolean
- SetTextPr
(oTextPr): ApiInlineLvlSdt
Applies text settings to the content of the content control.
- GetParentParagraph
(): ApiParagraph | "null"
Returns a paragraph that contains the current content control.
- GetParentContentControl
(): ApiBlockLvlSdt | ApiInlineLvlSdt | "null"
Returns a content control that contains the current content control.
- GetParentTable
(): ApiTable | "null"
Returns a table that contains the current content control.
- GetParentTableCell
(): ApiTableCell | "null"
Returns a table cell that contains the current content control.
- GetRange
(Start, End): ApiRange
Returns a Range object that represents the part of the document contained in the specified content control.
- Copy
(): ApiInlineLvlSdt
(bWriteStyles): JSON
Converts the ApiInlineLvlSdt object into the JSON object.
- GetPlaceholderText
(): string
Returns the placeholder text from the current inline content control.
- SetPlaceholderText
(sText): boolean
- IsForm
(): boolean
Checks if the content control is a form.
- AddComment
(sText, sAuthor, sUserId): ApiComment
- MoveCursorOutside
Places a cursor before/after the current content control.
- GetDropdownList
(): ApiContentControlList
Returns a list of values of the combo box / dropdown list content control.