
class ApiBlockLvlSdt


Class representing a container for the document content.

Instance Methods

GetClassType(): blockLvlSdt

Returns a type of the ApiBlockLvlSdt class.


Sets the lock to the current block text content control: "contentLocked" .

GetLock(): SdtLock

Returns the lock type of the current container.


Sets the tag attribute to the current container.

GetTag(): string

Returns the tag attribute for the current container.


Sets the label attribute to the current container.

GetLabel(): string

Returns the label attribute for the current container.


Sets the alias attribute to the current container.

GetAlias(): string

Returns the alias attribute for the current container.

GetContent(): ApiDocumentContent

Returns the content of the current container.

GetAllContentControls(): ApiBlockLvlSdt[] | ApiInlineLvlSdt[]

Returns a collection of content control objects in the current content control.

GetAllParagraphs(): ApiParagraph[]

Returns a collection of paragraph objects in the current content control.

GetAllTablesOnPage(nPage): ApiTable[]


RemoveAllElements(): boolean

Clears the contents from the current content control.

Delete(keepContent): boolean



Applies text settings to the content of the content control.

GetAllDrawingObjects(): ApiDrawing[]

Returns a collection of drawing objects in the current content control.

GetParentContentControl(): ApiBlockLvlSdt | "null"

Returns a content control that contains the current content control.

GetParentTable(): ApiTable | "null"

Returns a table that contains the current content control.

GetParentTableCell(): ApiTableCell | "null"

Returns a table cell that contains the current content control.

Push(oElement): boolean

Pushes a paragraph or a table or a block content control to actually add it to the current container.

AddElement(oElement, nPos): boolean

Adds a paragraph or a table or a block content control to the current container.

AddText(sText): boolean

Adds a text to the current content control.

GetRange(Start, End): ApiRange

Returns a Range object that represents the part of the document contained in the specified content control.

Search(sText, isMatchCase): ApiRange[]



Selects the current content control.

GetPlaceholderText(): string

Returns the placeholder text from the current content control.

SetPlaceholderText(sText): boolean

Sets the placeholder text to the current content control.

GetPosInParent(): Number

Returns the content control position within its parent element.

ReplaceByElement(oElement): boolean

Replaces the current content control with a new element.

AddComment(sText, sAuthor, sUserId): ApiComment


AddCaption(sAdditional, sLabel, bExludeLabel, sNumberingFormat, bBefore, nHeadingLvl, sCaptionSep): boolean


GetDropdownList(): ApiContentControlList

Returns a list of values of the combo box / dropdown list content control.


Places a cursor before/after the current content control.

ToJSON(bWriteNumberings, bWriteStyles): JSON

Converts the ApiBlockLvlSdt object into the JSON object.

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