class Api
Base class
Instance Methods
- GetDocument
(): ApiDocument
Returns the main document.
- CreateParagraph
(): ApiParagraph
Creates a new paragraph.
- CreateRange
(oElement, nStart, nEnd): ApiRange | "null"
- CreateTable
(nCols, nRows): ApiTable
Creates a new table with a specified number of rows and columns.
- CreateRun
(): ApiRun
Creates a new smaller text block to be inserted to the current paragraph or table.
- CreateHyperlink
(sLink, sDisplay, sScreenTipText): ApiHyperlink
Creates a new hyperlink text block to be inserted to the current paragraph or table.
- CreateImage
(sImageSrc, nWidth, nHeight): ApiImage
Creates an image with the parameters specified.
- CreateShape
(sType, nWidth, nHeight, oFill, oStroke): ApiShape
Creates a shape with the parameters specified.
- CreateChart
(sType, aSeries, aSeriesNames, aCatNames, nWidth, nHeight, nStyleIndex, aNumFormats): ApiChart
Creates a chart with the parameters specified.
- CreateOleObject
(sImageSrc, nWidth, nHeight, sData, sAppId): ApiOleObject
Creates an OLE object with the parameters specified.
- CreateRGBColor
(r, g, b): ApiRGBColor
Creates an RGB color setting the appropriate values for the red, green and blue color components.
- CreateSchemeColor
(sSchemeColorId): ApiSchemeColor
Creates a complex color scheme selecting from one of the available schemes.
- CreatePresetColor
(sPresetColor): ApiPresetColor
Creates a color selecting it from one of the available color presets.
- CreateSolidFill
(oUniColor): ApiFill
Creates a solid fill to apply to the object using a selected solid color as the object background.
- CreateLinearGradientFill
(aGradientStop, Angle): ApiFill
Creates a linear gradient fill to apply to the object using the selected linear gradient as the object background.
- CreateRadialGradientFill
(aGradientStop): ApiFill
Creates a radial gradient fill to apply to the object using the selected radial gradient as the object background.
- CreatePatternFill
(sPatternType, BgColor, FgColor): ApiFill
Creates a pattern fill to apply to the object using the selected pattern as the object background.
- CreateBlipFill
(sImageUrl, sBlipFillType): ApiFill
Creates a blip fill to apply to the object using the selected image as the object background.
- CreateNoFill
(): ApiFill
Creates no fill and removes the fill from the element.
- CreateStroke
(nWidth, oFill): ApiStroke
Creates a stroke adding shadows to the element.
- CreateGradientStop
(oUniColor, nPos): ApiGradientStop
Creates a gradient stop used for different types of gradients.
- CreateNumbering
(sType, nStartAt): ApiBullet
Creates a bullet for a paragraph with the numbering character or symbol specified with the sType parameter.
- CreateInlineLvlSdt
(): ApiInlineLvlSdt
Creates a new inline container.
- CreateBlockLvlSdt
(): ApiBlockLvlSdt
Creates a new block level container.
- Save
Saves changes to the specified document.
- LoadMailMergeData
(aList): boolean
Loads data for the mail merge.
- GetMailMergeTemplateDocContent
(): ApiDocumentContent
Returns the mail merge template document.
- GetMailMergeReceptionsCount
(): number
Returns the mail merge receptions count.
- ReplaceDocumentContent
Replaces the main document content with another document content.
- MailMerge
(nStartIndex, nEndIndex): boolean
Starts the mail merge process.
- FromJSON
Converts the specified JSON object into the Document Builder object of the corresponding type.
- AddComment
(oElement, sText, sAuthor, sUserId): ApiComment
Adds a comment to the specifed document element or array of Runs.
- attachEvent
(eventName, callback)
Subscribes to the specified event and calls the callback function when the event fires.
- detachEvent
Unsubscribes from the specified event.
- ReplaceTextSmart
(arrString, sParaTab, sParaNewLine)
Replaces each paragraph (or text in cell) in the select with the corresponding text from an array of strings.
- ConvertDocument
(sConvertType, bHtmlHeadings, bBase64img, bDemoteHeadings, bRenderHTMLTags): string
Converts a document to Markdown or HTML text.
- CreateTextPr
(): ApiTextPr
Creates the empty text properties.
- CreateWordArt
(oTextPr, sText, sTransform, oFill, oStroke, nRotAngle, nWidth, nHeight): ApiDrawing
Creates a Text Art object with the parameters specified.
- GetFullName
(): string
Returns the full name of the currently opened file.