class ApiPivotTable
Class representing a PivotTable.
Instance Methods
- AddDataField
(field): ApiPivotDataField
Adds a data field to a PivotTable report.
- AddFields
(options, options.rows, options.columns, options.pages, options.addToTable)
Adds row, column, and page fields to a PivotTable report.
- ClearAllFilters
Deletes all filters currently applied to the PivotTable.
- ClearTable
Clears the Pivot Table.
- GetData
(items): number | "null"
Returns the value for the data filed in a PivotTable.
- GetPivotData
(dataField, fieldItemsArray): ApiRange
Returns a Range object with information about a data item in a PivotTable report.
- GetPivotFields
(field): ApiPivotField[] | ApiPivotField | ApiPivotDataField | "null"
Returns an collection that represents either a single PivotTable field or a collection of both the visible and hidden fields in the PivotTable report.
- PivotValueCell
(rowLine, colLine): number | string | "null"
Returns the value of a pivot table cell.
- ShowDetails
(rowLine, colLine): boolean
Show details of pivot cell.
- RefreshTable
Refreshes the PivotTable report from the source data.
- Update
Updates the PivotTable.
- SetRepeatAllLabels
Specifies whether to repeat item labels for all PivotFields in the specified PivotTable.
- SetRowAxisLayout
(type, compact)
Sets the way the specified PivotTable items appear—in table format or in outline format.
- SetSubtotalLocation
Sets PivotTable setting layout subtotal location.
- RemoveField
Removes field from all PivotTable categories.
- MoveField
(identifier, type, index)
Moves field from one category to another.
- Select
Selects the PivotTable.
- GetColumnFields
(): ApiPivotField[]
Returns an collection that represents a collection of all column fields.
- GetDataFields
(field): ApiPivotDataField[] | ApiPivotDataField | "null"
Returns an collection that represents either a single PivotTable data field or a collection of all visible data fields.
- GetHiddenFields
(): ApiPivotField[]
Returns array that represents all not added fields in PivotTable.
- GetVisibleFields
(): ApiPivotField[]
Returns array that represents all added fields in PivotTable.
- GetPageFields
(): ApiPivotField[]
Returns an collection that represents either a single PivotTable page field or a collection of all visible page fields.
- GetRowFields
(): ApiPivotField[]
Returns an collection that represents a collection of all row fields.
- GetName
(): string
Returns name of the PivotTable.
- SetName
Sets name of the PivotTable.
- GetColumnGrand
(): boolean
Returns PivotTable Grand Totals settings for columns.
- SetColumnGrand
Sets PivotTable Grand Totals settings for columns.
- GetRowGrand
(): boolean
Returns PivotTable Grand Totals settings for rows.
- SetRowGrand
Sets PivotTable Grand Totals settings for rows.
- GetDisplayFieldsInReportFilterArea
(): any
Returns PivotTable display fields in report filter area settings.
- SetDisplayFieldsInReportFilterArea
(type, fields)
Returns PivotTable display fields in report filter area settings.
- GetDisplayFieldCaptions
(): boolean
Returns PivotTable setting show field headers for rows and columns.
- SetDisplayFieldCaptions
Sets show field headers for rows and columns.
- GetTitle
(): string
Returns the title of the PivotTable.
- SetTitle
Sets the title of the PivotTable.
- GetDescription
(): string
Returns the description of the PivotTable.
- SetDescription
Sets the description of the PivotTable.
- GetStyleName
(): string
Returns the style name of the PivotTable.
- SetStyleName
Sets the style of the PivotTable.
- GetTableStyleRowHeaders
(): boolean
Returns the row headers style for PivotTable.
- SetTableStyleRowHeaders
Sets the row headers style for PivotTable.
- GetTableStyleColumnHeaders
(): boolean
Returns the column headers style for PivotTable.
- SetTableStyleColumnHeaders
Sets the column headers style for PivotTable.
- GetTableStyleRowStripes
(): boolean
Returns the banded rows style for PivotTable.
- SetTableStyleRowStripes
Sets the banded rows style for PivotTable.
- GetTableStyleColumnStripes
(): boolean
Returns the banded columns style for PivotTable.
- SetTableStyleColumnStripes
Sets the banded columns style for PivotTable.
- GetSource
(): ApiRange
Returns source for the PivotTable.
- SetSource
Sets source for the PivotTable.
- GetColumnRange
(): ApiRange | "null"
Returns a Range object that represents the range that contains the column area in the PivotTable report.
- GetRowRange
(): ApiRange | "null"
Returns a Range object that represents the range that contains the row area in the PivotTable report.
- GetDataBodyRange
(): ApiRange
Returns a Range object that represents the range of values in a PivotTable.
- GetTableRange1
(): ApiRange | "null"
Returns a Range object that represents the range containing the entire PivotTable report, but doesn't include page fields.
- GetTableRange2
(): ApiRange | "null"
Returns a Range object that represents the range containing the entire PivotTable report, including page fields.
- GetGrandTotalName
(): string
Returns the text string label that is displayed in the grand total column or row heading in the specified PivotTable report.
- SetGrandTotalName
Sets the text string label that is displayed in the grand total column or row heading in the specified PivotTable report.
- SetLayoutBlankLine
Sets PivotTable setting insert blank rows after each item.
- SetLayoutSubtotals
Sets PivotTable setting show subtotals.
- GetParent
(): ApiWorksheet
Returns Pivot Table parent.
Instance Properties
- Name
Returns or sets name of the PivotTable.
- ColumnGrand
Returns or sets PivotTable Grand Totals settings for columns.
- RowGrand
Returns or sets PivotTable Grand Totals settings for rows.
- DisplayFieldCaptions
Returns or set show field headers for rows and columns.
- Title
Returns or sets the title of the PivotTable.
- Description
Returns or sets the description of the PivotTable.
- StyleName
Returns or sets the style name of the PivotTable.
- ShowTableStyleRowHeaders
Returns or sets the row headers style for PivotTable.
- ShowTableStyleColumnHeaders
Returns or sets the column headers style for PivotTable.
- ShowTableStyleRowStripes
Returns or sets the banded rows style for PivotTable.
- ShowTableStyleColumnStripes
Returns or sets the banded columns style for PivotTable.
- Source
Returns or sets source for the PivotTable.
- ColumnRange
ApiRange | "null"
Returns a Range object that represents the range that contains the column area in the PivotTable report.
- RowRange
ApiRange | "null"
Returns a Range object that represents the range that contains the row area in the PivotTable report.
- DataBodyRange
Returns a Range object that represents the range of values in a PivotTable.
- TableRange1
ApiRange | "null"
Returns a Range object that represents the range containing the entire PivotTable report, but doesn't include page fields.
- TableRange2
ApiRange | "null"
Returns a Range object that represents the range containing the entire PivotTable report, including page fields.
- GrandTotalName
Sets the text string label that is displayed in the grand total column or row heading in the specified PivotTable report.
- RepeatAllLabels
Specifies whether to repeat item labels for all PivotFields in the specified PivotTable.
- RowAxisLayout
Sets the way the specified PivotTable items appear—in table format or in outline format.
- LayoutBlankLine
Sets PivotTable setting insert blank rows after each item.
- LayoutSubtotals
Sets PivotTable setting show subtotals.
- SubtotalLocation
Sets PivotTable setting layout subtotal location.
- PivotFields
Returns all PivotFields in PivotTable.
- ColumnFields
Returns array that are currently showing as column fields in PivotTable.
- DataFields
Returns array that are currently showing values fields in PivotTable.
- HiddenFields
Returns array that represents all not added fields in PivotTable.
- VisibleFields
Returns array that represents all not added fields in PivotTable.
- PageFields
Returns array that are currently showing as page fields in PivotTable.
- RowFields
Returns array that are currently showing as row fields in PivotTable.