
class ApiParaPr


Class representing the paragraph properties.

Instance Methods

GetClassType(): paraPr

Returns a type of the ApiParaPr class.


Sets the paragraph left side indentation.

GetIndLeft(): twips | "undefined"

Returns the paragraph left side indentation.


Sets the paragraph right side indentation.

GetIndRight(): twips | "undefined"

Returns the paragraph right side indentation.


Sets the paragraph first line indentation.

GetIndFirstLine(): twips | "undefined"

Returns the paragraph first line indentation.


Sets the paragraph contents justification.

GetJc(): left | right | both | center | "undefined"

Returns the paragraph contents justification.

SetSpacingLine(nLine, sLineRule)

Sets the paragraph line spacing.

GetSpacingLineValue(): twips | line240 | "undefined"

Returns the paragraph line spacing value.

GetSpacingLineRule(): auto | atLeast | exact | "undefined"

Returns the paragraph line spacing rule.

SetSpacingBefore(nBefore, isBeforeAuto)

Sets the spacing before the current paragraph.

GetSpacingBefore(): twips

Returns the spacing before value of the current paragraph.

SetSpacingAfter(nAfter, isAfterAuto)

Sets the spacing after the current paragraph.

GetSpacingAfter(): twips

Returns the spacing after value of the current paragraph.

SetTabs(aPos, aVal)

Specifies a sequence of custom tab stops which will be used for any tab characters in the current paragraph.


Sets the bullet or numbering to the current paragraph.

SetOutlineLvl(nLvl): boolean

Sets the outline level for the specified properties.

GetOutlineLvl(): Number

Gets the outline level of the specified properties.

Extends By


Class representing a paragraph.

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