class ApiParagraph extends ApiParaPr
Class representing a paragraph.
Instance Methods
- GetClassType
(): paragraph
Returns a type of the ApiParagraph class.
- AddText
(sText): ApiRun
Adds some text to the current paragraph.
- AddLineBreak
(): ApiRun
Adds a line break to the current position and starts the next element from a new line.
- GetParaPr
(): ApiParaPr
Returns the paragraph properties.
- GetElementsCount
(): number
Returns a number of elements in the current paragraph.
- GetElement
(nPos): ParagraphContent
Returns a paragraph element using the position specified.
- RemoveElement
- RemoveAllElements
- Delete
(): boolean
Deletes the current paragraph.
- GetNext
(): ApiParagraph | "null"
Returns the next paragraph.
- GetPrevious
(): ApiParagraph
Returns the previous paragraph.
- Copy
(): ApiParagraph
- AddElement
(oElement, nPos): boolean
Adds an element to the current paragraph.
- AddTabStop
(): ApiRun
Adds a tab stop to the current paragraph.
- SetIndLeft
Sets the paragraph left side indentation.
- GetIndLeft
Returns the paragraph left side indentation.
- SetIndRight
Sets the paragraph right side indentation.
- GetIndRight
Returns the paragraph right side indentation.
- SetIndFirstLine
Sets the paragraph first line indentation.
- GetIndFirstLine
Returns the paragraph first line indentation.
- SetJc
Sets the paragraph contents justification.
- GetJc
Returns the paragraph contents justification.
- SetSpacingLine
(nLine, sLineRule)
- GetSpacingLineValue
Returns the paragraph line spacing value.
- GetSpacingLineRule
Returns the paragraph line spacing rule.
- SetSpacingBefore
(nBefore, isBeforeAuto)
- GetSpacingBefore
Returns the spacing before value of the current paragraph.
- SetSpacingAfter
(nAfter, isAfterAuto)
- GetSpacingAfter
Returns the spacing after value of the current paragraph.
- SetTabs
(aPos, aVal)
- SetBullet
Sets the bullet or numbering to the current paragraph.
- SetOutlineLvl
Sets the outline level for the specified properties.
- GetOutlineLvl
Gets the outline level of the specified properties.
- ApiParaPr
Class representing the paragraph properties.