
class ApiChart


Class representing a chart.

Instance Methods

GetClassType(): chart

Returns a type of the ApiChart class.

GetChartType(): ChartType

Returns a type of the chart object.

SetTitle(sTitle, nFontSize, bIsBold)

Specifies the chart title.

SetHorAxisTitle(sTitle, nFontSize, bIsBold)

Specifies the chart horizontal axis title.

SetVerAxisTitle(sTitle, nFontSize, bIsBold)

Specifies the chart vertical axis title.


Specifies the vertical axis orientation.


Specifies the horizontal axis orientation.


Specifies the chart legend position.


Specifies the legend font size.

SetShowDataLabels(bShowSerName, bShowCatName, bShowVal, bShowPercent)

Specifies which chart data labels are shown for the chart.

SetShowPointDataLabel(nSeriesIndex, nPointIndex, bShowSerName, bShowCatName, bShowVal, bShowPercent)

Spicifies the show options for data labels.


Spicifies tick labels position for the vertical axis.


Spicifies tick labels position for the horizontal axis.


Specifies major tick mark for the horizontal axis.


Specifies minor tick mark for the horizontal axis.


Specifies major tick mark for the vertical axis.


Specifies minor tick mark for the vertical axis.


Specifies major vertical gridline visual properties.


Specifies minor vertical gridline visual properties.


Specifies major horizontal gridline visual properties.


Specifies minor horizontal gridline visual properties.

RemoveSeria(nSeria): boolean

Removes the specified series from the current chart.

ApplyChartStyle(nStyleId): boolean

Sets a style to the current chart by style ID.

SetPlotAreaFill(oFill): boolean

Sets the fill to the chart plot area.

SetPlotAreaOutLine(oStroke): boolean

Sets the outline to the chart plot area.

SetSeriesFill(oFill, nSeries, bAll): boolean

Sets the fill to the specified chart series.

SetSeriesOutLine(oStroke, nSeries, bAll): boolean

Sets the outline to the specified chart series.

SetDataPointFill(oFill, nSeries, nDataPoint, bAllSeries): boolean

Sets the fill to the data point in the specified chart series.

SetDataPointOutLine(oStroke, nSeries, nDataPoint, bAllSeries): boolean

Sets the outline to the data point in the specified chart series.

SetMarkerFill(oFill, nSeries, nMarker, bAllMarkers): boolean

Sets the fill to the marker in the specified chart series.

SetMarkerOutLine(oStroke, nSeries, nMarker, bAllMarkers): boolean

Sets the outline to the marker in the specified chart series.

SetTitleFill(oFill): boolean

Sets the fill to the chart title.

SetTitleOutLine(oStroke): boolean

Sets the outline to the chart title.

SetLegendFill(oFill): boolean

Sets the fill to the chart legend.

SetLegendOutLine(oStroke): boolean

Sets the outline to the chart legend.

SetAxieNumFormat(sFormat, sAxiePos): boolean

Sets the specified numeric format to the axis values.

GetAllSeries(): ApiChartSeries[]

Returns all series from the chart space.

GetSeries(nIdx): ApiChartSeries

Returns the series with specific index.

SetSeriaValues(sRange, nSeria): boolean

Sets values from the specified range to the specified series.

SetSeriaXValues(sRange, nSeria): boolean


SetSeriaName(sNameRange, nSeria): boolean

Sets a name to the specified series.


Sets a range with the category values to the current chart.

AddSeria(sNameRange, sValuesRange, sXValuesRange)

Adds a new series to the current chart.

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