type headingRefTo = text | pageNum | headingNum | noCtxHeadingNum | fullCtxHeadingNum | aboveBelow
Available values of the "heading" reference type: "text" - the entire heading text; "pageNum" - the heading page number; "headingNum" - the heading sequence number; "noCtxHeadingNum" - the abbreviated heading number. Make sure the cursor pointer is in the section you are referencing to, e.g. you are in section 4 and you wish to refer to heading 4.B, so instead of "4.B" you receive "B" only; "fullCtxHeadingNum" - the full heading number even if the cursor pointer is in the same section; "aboveBelow" - the words "above" or "below" depending on the item position.
Try It
oParagraph.AddHeadingCrossRef("pageNum", oHeadingParagraph);