
class ApiTable


Class representing a table.

Instance Methods

AddElement(oCell, nPos, oElement)

Adds a paragraph or a table or a blockLvl content control using its position in the cell.

Copy(): ApiTable

Creates a copy of the current table.

GetClassType(): table

Returns the type of the ApiTable object.

GetRow(nIndex): ApiTableRow

Returns a row by its index.

MergeCells(aCells): ApiTableCell


SetTableLook(isFirstColumn, isFirstRow, isLastColumn, isLastRow, isHorBand, isVerBand)


AddRow(oCell, isBefore): ApiTableRow

Adds a new row to the current table.

AddColumn(oCell, isBefore)

Adds a new column to the end of the current table.

RemoveRow(oCell): boolean

Removes a table row with the specified cell.

RemoveColumn(oCell): boolean

Removes a table column with the specified cell.

SetShd(sType, r, g, b)

Specifies the shading which shall be applied to the extents of the current table.

ToJSON(bWriteTableStyles): JSON

Converts the ApiTable object into the JSON object.

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