
CDocBuilderValue CreateTypedArray(sBuffer: unsigned char*, nLength: const int&, bExternalize: const bool&)


Creates a Uint8Array value, an analogue of Uint8Array in JS.

Please note, that for the .docbuilder file the CDocBuilderContext.CreateTypedArray method is not used.


sBufferunsigned char*
The array buffer.
nLengthconst int&
The array length.
bExternalizeconst bool&
Specifies if the application releases the memory after freeing Uint8Array (true). If this parameter is false, then the memory will be released automatically. In this case, the buffer must be created with the AllocMemoryTypedArray method.



std::wstring sWorkDirectory = NSUtils::GetBuilderDirectory();
CDocBuilder oBuilder;
CContext oContext = oBuilder.GetContext();
unsigned char* sBuffer = oContext.AllocMemoryTypedArray(1500);
CValue oTypedArray = oContext.CreateTypedArray(sBuffer, 3, false);

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