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The content control properties.


IdstringA unique identifier of the content control. It can be used to search for a certain content control and make reference to it in the code.
TagstringA tag assigned to the content control. The same tag can be assigned to several content controls so that it is possible to make reference to them in the code.
LockContentControlLockA value that defines if it is possible to delete and/or edit the content control or not.
InternalIdstringA unique internal identifier of the content control.
AliasstringThe alias attribute.
PlaceHolderTextstringThe content control placeholder text.
AppearancenumberDefines if the content control is shown as the bounding box (1) or not (2).
ColorobjectThe color for the current content control in the RGB format.
Color.RnumberRed color component value.
Color.GnumberGreen color component value.
Color.BnumberBlue color component value.




let contentControlPr = {
"Id" : 7,
"Tag" : "{tag}",
"Lock" : 0
window.Asc.plugin.executeMethod ("AddContentControl", [1, contentControlPr]);