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SetTableLook(isFirstColumn, isFirstRow, isLastColumn, isLastRow, isHorBand, isVerBand)

Specifies the components of the conditional formatting of the referenced table style (if one exists) which shall be applied to the set of table rows with the current table-level property exceptions. A table style can specify up to six different optional conditional formats [Example: Different formatting for first column], which then can be applied or omitted from individual table rows in the parent table.

The default setting is to apply the row and column banding formatting, but not the first row, last row, first column, or last column formatting.


Name Type Description
isFirstColumn boolean

Specifies that the first column conditional formatting shall be applied to the table.

isFirstRow boolean

Specifies that the first row conditional formatting shall be applied to the table.

isLastColumn boolean

Specifies that the last column conditional formatting shall be applied to the table.

isLastRow boolean

Specifies that the last row conditional formatting shall be applied to the table.

isHorBand boolean

Specifies that the horizontal banding conditional formatting shall not be applied to the table.

isVerBand boolean

Specifies that the vertical banding conditional formatting shall not be applied to the table.


This method doesn't return any data.


Copy code
var oPresentation = Api.GetPresentation();
var oTable = Api.CreateTable(2, 4);
oTable.SetTableLook(true, false, false, false, false, true);
var oSlide = oPresentation.GetSlideByIndex(0);
builder.SaveFile("pptx", "SetTableLook.pptx");

Resulting document