
type TableStyleOverrideType = topLeftCell | topRightCell | bottomLeftCell | bottomRightCell | firstRow | lastRow | firstColumn | lastColumn | bandedColumn | bandedColumnEven | bandedRow | bandedRowEven | wholeTable


This simple type specifies possible values for the table sections to which the current conditional formatting properties will be applied when this selected table style is used. "topLeftCell" - specifies that the table formatting is applied to the top left cell. "topRightCell" - specifies that the table formatting is applied to the top right cell. "bottomLeftCell" - specifies that the table formatting is applied to the bottom left cell. "bottomRightCell" - specifies that the table formatting is applied to the bottom right cell. "firstRow" - specifies that the table formatting is applied to the first row. "lastRow" - specifies that the table formatting is applied to the last row. "firstColumn" - specifies that the table formatting is applied to the first column. Any subsequent row which is in table header ({@link ApiTableRowPr#SetTableHeader}) will also use this conditional format. "lastColumn" - specifies that the table formatting is applied to the last column. "bandedColumn" - specifies that the table formatting is applied to odd numbered groupings of rows. "bandedColumnEven" - specifies that the table formatting is applied to even numbered groupings of rows. "bandedRow" - specifies that the table formatting is applied to odd numbered groupings of columns. "bandedRowEven" - specifies that the table formatting is applied to even numbered groupings of columns. "wholeTable" - specifies that the conditional formatting is applied to the whole table.

Try It

oTableStyle.GetConditionalTableStyle("topLeftCell").GetTableCellPr().SetShd("clear", 255, 0, 0);

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