class ApiProtectedRange
Class representing a user-protected range.
Instance Methods
- SetTitle
(sTitle): boolean
Sets a title to the current protected range.
- SetRange
(sRange): boolean
Sets a range to the current protected range.
- AddUser
(sId, sName, protectedRangeUserType): ApiProtectedRangeUserInfo | "null"
Sets a user to the current protected range.
- DeleteUser
(sId): bool
Removes a user from the current protected range.
- GetAllUsers
(): ApiProtectedRangeUserInfo[] | "null"
Returns all users from the current protected range.
- SetAnyoneType
(protectedRangeUserType): bool
Sets the type of the "Anyone" user to the current protected range.
- GetUser
(sId): ApiProtectedRangeUserInfo | "null"
Returns an object that represents a user from the current protected range.